Washington Chronicle from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Washington Chroniclei

Washington, District of Columbia

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1 i TBK WEEKLY CHRONICLE IMUEY MORNINU CHRONICLE fc PRICE THREE CENTS WASHINGTON TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 19 1871 NATIONAL AAIRS DIPLOMACY Examining Snrgeona CONNOLLY WILL NOT BE RESIGNED EDUCATIONAL 114 PERSONAL LECTURES GRAND ARMY LECTURES THIRD REGULAR COURSE TWELVE i SEASON 1871 AND 1872 EXTRAORDINARY ARRAY TALENT for committed for trial in 'a 4 diate vicinity the disease shows itself lulil LOOK OUT OR COMIG SEXNATION 109' 28 LOOK OUT OR COMING SENSATION 3 OO 1 BO 73 IS Tbb Pittsburg Pa Post to day will contain an! editorial proposing a sixteenth amendment to the Constitution to remove the ineligibility of citizens of foreign birth Tur the Presidency giving Carl Schurz an even chance with red Douglass VffieCHSONaeiR BUILDING Ninth street west between and streets i ISSUED BY THE CHKOXICLE PVHIISUINM COMPANT JAMES LADD SuraiuxTENUKNT LOOK OUT OR COMING SENSATION A New Banking irm George Walker Esq president of the Third National Bank Springfield Mass and late vice president of the Western Union Telegraph Com pany has with Messrs' Edward Andrews and Henry Turnbull of New York' formed a partner ship to do a general American and banking and commission business at New York and Paris Mr Walker will have charge of the New York and Mr Andrews of the Paris house 1 ON 5 MONDAY EVENING OCTOBERS VOL NO: 274 ONE YXaB The (Nevada) Exploion i ur 'Xs? t)er Particulars sxn rancisco September There was nb insurance on the property burned in consequence i cl the explosion at Pioche Nevada last Saturday i The loss exceeds $250 000 Three hundred kegs of gunpowder id the cellar of elsenthal Co ex ploded leveling all the buildings in the vicinity The pCrtiont killed wereJeremlah Kirby James Agnew John Sand William Dodds Sheehan and one other burned past recognition A large number of persons were pounded all of whom5 were either injured by falling rocks jarred by the eoncuesiOQ or burned Many el the wounded will UM Good Work Abroad The Missionary Society has just been organized in Omaha to establish there an Indus trial Home tor destitute females wherein they may earn an honorable living Other objects of charity will be met as they are presented I Tbe Second Term for the Presidency A favorite subject of discussion at present with the open enemies of the Administration and with disappointed or ambitious Republicans is the pro priety of electing a President of the United States to a second term of office In truth so wise and so successful has been the conduct of General Grant both in his foreign and domestic policy that his enemies know that should he obtain the nomination his reelection la almost certain Hence they labor to persuade the people that no President should hold office for more than a sin term and that there are difficulties and dan gers in continuing any person in that high office for more than four years Let us consider however what is taught by the experience of this country in the past and 'we shall see tkat all these dangers and difficulties are imaginary Since the formation of our Union under its present Constitution in 1789 no less than six Presidents have been elected to a second term of office viz: Washington Jefferson Madison Monroe Jackson and Lincoln To the last named indeed lit was not given to complete the high destiny to which he was called by the votesof a grateful people but tor our national sins we were visited with the curse of Andrew John a policy which was a potent cause of all the disturbance and violence so sadly preva lent in the Southern States at present Now if we study carefully the effects of the re election of the eminent men mentioned above we will find no such eyils as are at present predicted On the contrary by continuing to intrust the conduct of public affairs to those who had gained experience and won the confidence of the public their first term the national interests were more faithfully "protected and the national consistency of character was more effectively maintained than if new men had been promoted and all the consequent changes of men and of measures incident thereto had been made Having studied carefully the history of public affairs as conducted by the of His Coun try his eminent successors who held office for two terms A have not been able to see one sin gle cause for regret respecting the management dr the least reason to apprehend any evil conse quences from its continuance On the contraryit affords a noble field of honorable ambition to our Chief Magistrates In stimulating when placed in supreme authority for four to la bor so sedulously for the public good that they may secure the confidence of their fellow country men and thus obtain the reward of a second term of office Now we respectfully submit that President Grant has fairly won and truly deserves the con fidence of the Republican party His calmquiet persistent good sense and good temper have secured an honorable treaty with England and the eminent success of our financial affairs is due to his firm and consistent support of the pru dent hopest' and economical measures of his Cabinet officers and In particular of the Secretary of the Treasury Early as it is therefore in the Canvass we in vite the second of the people to this matter fully confident that the more it is in vestigated the more firmly it will be determined that General Grant is the only Suitable candidate for the nomination of the Republican party and consequent reelection as President for a second term Delta Washington September 18! 1871 Unconscious Resigna tion Accepted The Bsynton Theologyrom the New York Independent Dr Boynton of Washington has been preaching on the treatment of abandoned women his ser mon being prompted bV recent movements In that city for the rescue of Ahis class of persons TheDoctor argues is only fair that the woman should suffer for her crime while her com panion in shame goes comparatively free as by nature and position woman has a greater power for good so if this power be used for evil the pun ishment should be the more Severe What man ner of doctrine is this for a Christian teacher? Has the Doctor ever read the story of the adulter ous woman who was brought to Jesus? There is doubt that the punishment visited by society upon this class of offenders is in many cases far too severe' gives no room lor repentance to a woman has sinned though slie seek it Carefully with tears' "Certainly there is no that' anything 'should be said from the pulpit to strengthen' the barriers which have been erected against the return of such women from the ways of vice When Dr Boynton insists that they "shall not be permitted to return except through the' door df conversion and church membership what does he do butturtxthe Gospel into a flaming sword with which to stop the passage by which some wayward feet might return to of virtue? But whatever may be the condemnation visited upon adulterous women by society we insist that the men who are the partners of their guilt ought to share it It is not justice it is themost outrageous injustice (which turns the wo man out with a curse upon her and welcomes the man with smiles and flajtery to the best society In nine cases out of ten the man is the greater criminal The social5 judgment that makes her the scapegoat of his crimes is a relic of barbarism and we are ashamed that a Christian minister should be found defending it Genera! George McClellan Ap pointed Comptroller UNIVERSITY TEAR 1871 AND 1872 pEO MUSICAL ACADEMY EIGHTH STREET EAST NAVY YARD BRANCH 359 A AVE bet THIRD anil OUR AND A'HAL STREETS WILL OPEN ON MONDAY SEPT 4 1871 Principal Prof ESPUTA Assistant Miss ESPUTA Secretary Mrs ESPUTA or further particulars inquire at either Acad emy au21 lm QOLUMBIAN COLLEGE WASHINGTON The Preparatory Department of this College opens September 13 1871 Collegiate September 20 Theological October 2 Medical October 4 Law October 11 Young men wishing to enter any one of the De partments should be present at the commence ment of the term WELLING President or further information inquire of WILLIAM STICKNEY aul5 tuf2m Secretary and Treasurer OREIGN STRAWS General Changarniek has recovered his health It is rumored that Leon Say has resigned his seat in the rench Assembly The foot and mouth disease is rapidly spreading among the cattle in Norfolk England The Russian press generally is now vigorous in it attacks upon Prussia and Germany Thb mortality of Paris during the last week was about one hundred less than the previous week It is rumored that elections for the Councils General will be held throughout rance In October A serious railway accident occurred Monday at Champigny rance Nine persons were killed and a large number wounded The Impartial (Madrid) newspaper of Monday advocates an increase of the Spanish revenue by the imposition of an income tax The King of the Belgians has arrived at Ryde His Majesty was not well and consequently no pnblic demonstrations were made on his ar rival i The failure of the new customs treaty with Ger many is imminent The German lenipotenti aries object to the alterations in the text made by the Assembly It is said the Republicans in Rome are preparing for a manifestation on the 20th instant the first anniversary of the occupation of that city by the Italian troops but no disorder is apprehended It is semi officially stated that the deficiency in the revenue of the Italian Kingdom for the pres ent fiscal year will probably be covered without the imposition of any new taxes A dispatch from Marseilles says the Governor has been summoned to Versailles to consult with President Thiers upon the question of the disarm ament of the National Guards in the department of Bouches du Rhone The Austrian Government has sent out a circu lar to its representatives at foreign courts inform ing them of the results of the Gastein and Saiz burg conferences The contents of the circular have not been made public A telegraphic dispatch from Shanghai says the Courier of that place announces that the rench diplomatic representative in China has re ceived a telegram from his Government directing him to make common cause with the Americans in the war with Corea Grant President Grant and family arrived at Cincinnati yesterday A Rusk Esq an ex Representative in Congress was yesterday appointed deputy collector of the port of Mobile Ala Major J'E Doughty of the Regis office left this city on Sunday night last for a brief visit to his parents in Minnesota Mr A Mills of the office of the Su pervising Architect of the Treasury Extension goes to Europe in a few dayson Government busi ness Congressman Aaron A Sargent of California is a candidate for the United States Sen ate The vacancy does not occur until the closeof his present term in the House of Representa tives Senator Brownlow is driving about Knoxville Tennessee in his carriage and the Knoxville Chronicle says continues in good DELAHCH Secretary Delano and John Delano Chief Clerk of the Department of the Interior both arrived from Ohio yesterday and were at their posts of duty Jones Esq chief of Section 1 Pension Division Third Office left for Cambria county Pa last evening to take part in the coming political campaign" 4 New York Globe says Whitman when in town is said to have fallen in love with Olive head which he pronounced He should now lay selge to her heart Rankin' Assistant Supervising Architect of the Treasury Department has re turned from his tour of inspection of the public buildings in course ot erection in Western States J' Senator Wilson recently gave a account to his neighbors and friends in Natick Massachusetts of his visit to Europe and told them that after alibis enjoyment the happiest: day in ills life was when' he came in sight of Long Island 1 1 I I Mr Coon of the office of the Treasurer of the United States who went to Europe with General Spinner and others has been directed to remainthere' nntil the 1st of Decern her to assist the Assistant Secretar of the Treas i ury Judge Richardson 1 Colonel Stephenson and Captain Bower delegates from the linois State Association left last evening for Springfield' Ill to attend the Republican Conven tion to be held there bn the 30th instant' to nomi mate a candidate tor Congress at large Burroughs st Burroughs Esq Chief of the Organization Division Comptroller ot the Office Hemphill Jones Esq and a gentleman connected with the Loan Branch of the Treasury leave New York for London to night on business in connection with the Govern ment Colonel 8 Smoot and family have returned from their beautiful cottage at Cape May where they spent the entire season The Colonel left hia carriage and gorses behind in charge of the coachman who was to have arrived here with them' last night but early in the afternoon a tele gram was received from him stating that one of the fide carriage horses so well known here had' taken sick in Philadelphia on Sunday and died that night The animal was a very valqable opeiand highly prized by the Colonel Major formerly of Washington has been nominated to represent Webster county Iowa in the Legislature of that State As the county is largely he Will doubtless be elected by a fine majority He is a New Yorker by birth but was in Washington several years as a clerk first in the Quartermaster Office ai(d afterward in the Treasury Department He graduated in Columbian College Law School in 1866 and'lri l869 went to Iowa His many friends here will be pleased to hear of his success "i Ji iii Louis Mo landing morning The loss is i TELEGKAriHC CMM ABY The game of base ball on Monday between the Atlantics and the Mutuals was won by the former by a score of 15 to 3 The annual meeting of the Western Union Tel egraph Company will be held in New York on the second Wednesday in October 1 The San ranciso Bulletin in view of the in crease of the overland railroad freights advo cates making San rancisco a free port The Philadelphia steamer Juniata will take her place on the line to New Orleans and Havana next Saturday the repairs consequent on her being ashore being completed The game of base ball Monday between the Pastimes of Baltimore and the Olympics Washington played in the former city was won by the Pastimes by a score of 20 to 8 1 The Germans of Philadelphia held a fest at Schuetzen Park on Monday to increase the funds for the Humboldt monument the corner stone of which has already been laid in airmount Park The fourth championship game between the Athletics of Philadelphia and the "White Stock ings of Chicago was played in Chicago yesterday resulting in a victory for the former club by a score of 11 to 6 Senator Rice left Little Rock Ark for Wash ington on Monday tb attend the meeting of the Southern Congressional Committee He was serenaded Saturday night and made ashort speech urging that good men be put forward for office The cars of the Citizens! Railway Company new line Baltimore from Druid Hill to Patterson Park commenced running Monday morning All persons are admitted to the cars no discrlmlna tion being made on account of race color or previous condition At a meeting of the New York Aidermen on Monday a communication was received from Mayor Hall requesting an authorization to offer a reward of 81000 for such information as shall lead to the discovery of the persons concerned in steal ing the vouchers' resolution was offered and tinder the rule laid over i TKRAtR WS rents a month rewable to the carriers Mailed to aubreribers at per annum JRA TBB Or AD VBR TI8IBG 1 per square of six lines solid nonpareil Ppecial Notices so cents a line City Bulletin 33 cents a dne Pald Locals 50 cents a line The list will be completed at once Past experience has convinced the oommittee that tbe resident public at Washington andvl cinity appreciate demand and will support the the lecture field A glance ate the1 names presented will evidence that such onlyhas been engaged: The committee unheslta tingly assert that an abler or more attractive com blnation has not been arranged elsewhere in the country for thecoming season The sale of season tickets will commence at on Monday the 25th Instant Scale of prices will be hereafter announced i ael8 tf QDD HALL SEVENTH STREET AN EVENING WITH THE POETS REAmNCS TflE COLUMN Very brief letten gladly feceinedCf Lang communication will not be printed We are in no vriee retponsGle for ths views of corre spondents Too Mueb Water To the Editor of the Chronicle: i I object to the practice of sprinkling ifteenth street just at the 9 and 3 when clerks are entering or leaving the Treasury Department Many a lady has wet feet during the day to say nothing of muddy 5oes and soiled dresses because of this river of muddy water al ways flowing at the time when they must cross the street Let it be done earlier or later and oblige many eet JD KIT CH Cor of Twelfth st 'and Maryland ave Wholesale and Retail dealer in all kinds of Lum Embracing Yand White Pine Poplar Oak andWalnut lAths Buildere srtB find It to fttieir Interest to cal) martwXm tf AW SCHOOL GEORGETOWN The next term of this School will commence on WEDNESDAY October 4 1871 Opening Lecture on that day at 7 Lecturers for the term Mr Justice Miller United States Supreme Court Judge Charles James and Hon Hubley Ashton The Lecture Hall' is in the Colonization Building corner of Pennsyl vania avenue and our and a half street or circulars and other in formation apply to CHARLESW HOMAN Secretary who will be at the hall dally from 4 to 6 sel2 ln TOWARD THE LAKES In tbe OH Preparations General Recep Commer Cial Honor Traveling correspondence of the Chronicle I Corby Pa September 13 Having got through with my own visit to wondrous oil region I was making my way west ward to the Lakes and elsewhere but finding my i self conveniently near the time of President and the line of his movements thither ward from the North I concluded to tarry here' long enough to see him started safely down the Alleghany valley leaving the question of myac companying the Presidential party through the oil region for future consideration He will ar rive here to morrow morning about 6 A There will be no formal demonstration here At Titus ville (the headquarters of the oil business as I have' sufficiently fully set forth In a former letter) there was a meeting of the City Council last evening to make arrangements for his reception On motion of McCrum a prominent man a resolution tendering him the hospitalities of the city was? adopted and appropriate committees appointed The fact that William Abbott president of the' Printing which pub lishes the Daily Courier a Democrat heads the committee of reception and Bloss of the Daily Herald Republican the entertainment com mittee shows that the affair is designed to non partisan This is characteristic of Titusville and indeed bf the region where party is made subordiate to pocket and office as a general rule subordinate to operations in oil The example of Titusville will be followed on riday at ranklin the only point in the oil re glons where any formal' reception is being ar ranged for I spent Sunday and most of Monday! there and learned the facts of the case It is a noticeable fact that the spirit of saying word is as good' as his bond is Jis nearly Jived uptoln this region as in any other section of qountry I have ever lived in or visited runs high here thousands of dollars worth of obligations being entered Into and kept ImpHc itly every day without a written bond passing be' tween the parties to the bargain The celerity wUhwhicu property thus passes from man to aidof memorandum books alone lj of themostatrlklngof the pany strik ing features offthe o) regions JE 8 Selling 118 115 115 115U 114 114 114 115 115111133 OR THE' BENEIT EQUAL DIVISION No 21Sof by MISS ANNA WARE AND HISS A STOCKTON WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 20 1871 I Admission 50 cents Tickets to be had at Music store Pennsyl vania avenue between Ninth and Tenth streets Doors open at commence at 8 4t ACCIDENT AM) CRIME Merriam pork curing and packing establishment In Somerville Mass was burned an Sunday Loss about $9 000 The Texas and Cuban steamer Commonwealth at tne isast street st was burned on Monday unknown Richard Dooley was New York Monday on a charge of stealing a five thousand dollar gold certificate belonging to the' North River Bank Three dead bodies of unknown men were found in the Pittsburg Mo coal dike on the Illinois river The bodies are much decomposed One appears to have been shot" 1 A party of disguised men early Monday morn ing entered the Auburn mill at Reno Nevada bound and gagged the amalgamator and carried' off 180 pounds of the silver amalgam The treas 1 ure was soon afterward discovered where it had been buried by the robbers who escaped A )nery i Hb the" Editor of the Chronicle: Iff Will you be pleased to say whether disreputable pay any license to the locator General Gov ernment? Again by what right or authority do Judge Snell Major Richards and Mr'isher constitute them selves a commission for the purpose of invading the homes of these poor creatures who so long as they ply their vocation in a quiet and peaceable manner can not be rated nuisances? Gotham September 15" Another To the Editor of the Chronicle: 'X Inclosed find 810 which you will 'please forward to the Club I have followed with deep interest the account of their proceedings as pro claimed to the world in the columns of the Daily Chronicle and may no longer forbear to give ex pression in this way to my cordial approval of a movement which seems to me most likely to be effective In removing or lessening the most terri ble evil of the times It is not the city alone that suffers The farm ers sons who must attend its marketsjare ex posed there to temptations which require all the purity imbibed In their country homes to give them strength to resist The hallowed movement ought to find and I think will find help from many A riend in thb country Montgomery County Mb Sept 14 Loyalty Past and Present To the Editor of the Chronicle: There appears to be a new set at the bellows just now blowing up the disloyal of the Depart ments Ten years ago I came nere fresh and green I was one of the blowers then but when you found the man some Senator dr Mem ber would testify to the good qualities of the rebel and he would be kept in There is one man In office here now that I had turned out three times for disloyalty but no sooner out of got Into another I gave It up' There is a man now in 1 the 'Treasury Department holding a high position near the Secretary that I heard say dur ing the war that he would as soon see a Yankee shot as a rebel I have papers now in my hands asking the appointment of a young 'lady whose father and mother are dead who lost two brothers in the war but she was not appointed but the daughter of a man who kept a billiard saloon dur ing the war and that hated the Xankegj was ap pointed Her people are abundantly well off the other has nothing to live on but what she earns teaching school but a Yankee Senator had at one time rooms at the honse'of the mother of the girl that Was appointed Another man waxjtept in because he makes a noise (music they pall it) in the choir of Dr church! September 13 The Examination of Treasury There has been a strange and remarkable cus tom introduced in the Treasury Departnitjnt that is an examination' for 'promotion of clerks from grade to gradeThis examination is a repetition of the same proceeding before the first appoint ment only more rigorous lengthy and more complicated in mathematics But this examina tion contains absolutely nothing which to the actual duties of the clerks on their desks I It must be borne in mind that only suchclerks who have proved to be very efficient are reconf mended tor promotion therefore this examina tion which is a mere school examination 'is not Justifiable as of middle age have mostly forgotten their school dav exercises and ought not to be subjected to so humiliating a repetition of a schoolmaster examination by more favored clerks who never passed themselves any examination The examination for the may be falsified as there is not a certain college certi ficate required as In European enlightened count tries but this repeated examination for each pro motion is no proof of the efficiency of the clerical qualifications of the individual in question On the contrary it has been asserted by chiefs of bu reaus and divisions that they prefer those clerks who were recommended for promotion but did not pass this school examination to any othenoledcs in the performance of their duties 'and if an exg amination is insisted upon it ought to refer only to a knowledge of the duties and regulations of 'the offices to which the clerks belong This is the opinion of many clerks who have the ex amination satisfactorily but feel sorely ated by this absurd and cruel process of A re peated school examination Clerici September 15 Tbe Working Bisterbood President Club: Dear Sister: or I can not content myself with a less familiar salutation since your work is so directly in the line and spirit of what I am alining to institute in the thought and purpose of Ameri can womanhood Mrs Severance read hs a of your letter at our last meeting and you may be assured we all rejoice in and wlth ybu and pray that your heart may be strengthened exceedingly I have dwelt much upon the darkness of mind and false modesty which repressed aspira tions and powers in ail directions when it is ne cessary she should be the instrument of light eousness and purity Your stcps are ln the direction of real purification I know And the first in our country strictly in the line of the example of Jusus the Christ The false logic and modesty of Christendom which make women appear to shut their eyes and ears and dwell in Ignorance of conditions which area pitfail and snare for husbands sons and brothers and a constant defilement 'to the mar riage bed" have defrauded society and human der velopment of that element which alone can save by making pure God grant rthat you and your coadjutors shall be kept by Divine strength firm in purpose and fearless in courage abounding in patience and faith and so carryforward into com pletion this work which will no doubt sooner of later be assailed in some manner bf the powers of darkness I hope I may meet you at no very dis tant date trusting that I may be in Washington the coming winter I am seeldng to arouse the motherhood first and feel that to a wiser and more consecrated power in that office is the fundamen tal hope of the world We have every reason to hope we shall have unanimity of effort and Affect ive work in Boston in the interests of a better edu cation for promoting higher morality and purer social state or righteousness yonr4B' Lucinda CHANDure Gloucester Mass September 11 1871 Offense to tbe Germans To the Editor of the Chronicle: Would it not be better tor the interests of tem perance if some of the advocates ot that issue would use more reasonable just and intelligent arguments than they have been in the habit of doing I The undersigned are prompted to'maka this suggestion by the inciting mean and disrespect i ful harangue delivered by a temperance preacher to an audience at the corner of Seventh and Pennsylvania avenue' on' Sunday last' Instead of confining himself to the task of ex plaining to his hearers the evils of intemperance (and to try to prevent them from indulging in! Intoxicating drinks in the future this (as he proved" himself to be) of intolerance and bieotry seemed to direct all his expressions so as to be a rigid abuse of the German population theeiiy and county In attempting to heap the respiffisibility of drunkenness on the Germans this man went all through the German and war which proved conclusively that a bitter hate of the German is at the bottom of all his pre tended temperance His perfect ignorance of foreign affairs was clearly demonstrated when he expressed his sorrow at seeing the German and' American flags hanging side by side Inasmuch as every school boy knows that not only there exists the most perfect relations' between the United States and Germany but that the Germans belong to the most respectable class of our free citizens In his partisan Spirit the lecturer was severe on the consumption of lager beer probably being lg i norant of the fact that rfot only is beer a healthy1 and harmless article but it is the most powerful antidote against that mighty poison whisky In short Mr Editor we ha ve heard enough of this long mouthed hypocrite to warrant us in demand ing that no American audience should again lis ten to such a biased lecturer The public know him If he wishes to indulge In abuse upon our most respectable citizens let him talk to the curb tone tor his expressions will only have the effect! of kindling a spirit of animosity to which we are strangers at present i Such ideas as his wlll at once undermine all our freedom and liberty and his attempts to enforce a strict Sunday law prohibiting all amusem*nts andi recreations will receive the most fierce opposl lion of German American Citizens September 1 'U': However much of Justice there may be in the above communication we certainly differ essen tially with the assertion that 18 a healthy and harmless article As a beverage we do ndt believe It to be wholesome or Ed ulford female seminary Sandy Springs Montgomery county Md The exercises of this school will be resumed on the 3d of October next but the pupils will be ex pected on the 2d or further particulars please apply for a circu lar JAMES 8 HALLOWELL se6 12t Proprietor and Principal NewYork September 18 The following cor respondence explains itself Mayor's Office September 18 1871 Sir: I am advised that your action in remitting absolutely during a specified term of several months to a deputy comptroller all and every power and duty of Comptroller is such a relin quishment of your office and so antagonistic to a legal construction of the spirit of the charter that your procedure is equivalent in law to a resignation of your office of Comptroller of the city of New York and I hereby accept such resignation I am also advised that when the power of ap pointment to office is given without restriction upon or without express statutory enactment re garding the power of removal the latter exists as an incident to the power of appointment and that the process of impeachment is a merely coordi nate but not conflicting power to remove in effect an impeached officer by procuring a va cancy Therefore to save all question I also hereby remove you from the head of the inance De partment Very truly yours A Oakey Hall Mayor of the city To Richard Connolly late Comptroller of tbe city of New York The Mayor offers the Comptrollership to General George McClellan Executive Department City Hall I New York September 16 1871 My Dear Sir: The action of Richard Con nolly in retiring from the discharge of his official duties for a term of five months has created a va cancy in the office of Comptroller of the city of New York as I am advised and believe the pub lic interests demand that it should be filled imme diately by some gentleman of acknowledged ability not directly connected with local politics and whose name commands the respect and con fidence of the people of the city State and coun try as well as of the financial centers of Europe I am confident that your acceptance of the Comptrollership will at once restore that pub lic confidence in the financial administration of the city which is absolutely necessary in my judgment' to preserve not alone the public credit but the public peace I ask therefore your prompt acceptance A Oakey Hall To General George McClellan tl New York Comptroller's Office September 18 A Eon A Oakey Hall Mayor: Sir: I have read in the morning papers only! your letterof this date and beg leave thus promptly to inform you that as advised I have not either in fact or equivalent resigned the office of Comp troller of the city of New York I deny the au thority of law in the Mayor to exercise the power attempted by your favor and in partial support of the denial quote the words of your former com munication: (the Mayor) can not suspend any head of department not even pending an invest! gation I can only prefer charges to the Common Pleas who alone can remove "after a considerable time for trial My previously announced determination not at present to retire from my official position is still unchanged By the appointment of Andrew Green Esq as deputy comptroller I have en deavored to guard the public interest committed to my care In such effort while calling critical attention to the events of the past forty eight hours including your official acts and my own I ask the support of that supreme the public sentiment of the citizens of New York and of the State ti Very respectfully your obedient servant Bichard Connolly Comptroller Mayor secretary has positively refused to accept oath of office The general im pression is that Connolly and Green occupy an im pregnable position and that the efforts to dislodge them must be illegal and will recoil on the origin ators secret committee of seventy have been in session from an early and have de vised measures for the support and protection of Green Ex Mayor Havemeyer has made arrange ments with the legal banks to have all checks drawn by Green duly honored Charles is now engaged in writing an opinion in favor of Connolly and declaring that any attempt to oust Green will be a violation of law Mr Green the new deputy comptroller has de 'livered to Mr committee of citizens and 1 Aidermen all the documents in the office which are required in the investigation of the municipal accounts New York September The Commercial says: General McClellan has accepted the office of Comptroller and it is understood that the order of proceedings will now be as follows: 1 Generat McClellan will proceed to theComp office and demand possession A 2 This demand will probably be refused 3 General McClellan will then go before Judge Barnard or Judge Cardozo to request the issue of an order giving him possession of the office 4 The order will be granted and 5 McClellan will then march in with a and take possession The following has been sent to all the city de partments: I Office New York September 18 1871 i Sir: I am directed by the Mayor to inform you that he does not recognize either Richard Con nolly as Comptroller or Andrew Green as Deputy or Acting Comptroller Very respectfully Charles Joline Chief Clerk Judge Ledwith and a delegation of the commit tee of citizens have waited upon Acting Comp troller Green It is" said that they have assured him of their support Late in the afternoon a rumor of a startling character reached the ears It was reported that Mayor Hall had made arrangements to take the office by storm and seize ail the books and papers which it is said implicate Mr Con three associates The be lieving that the rumor had some truth in it took such precautions as will baffle any attempt of the kind if made The usual watch has been trebled and the doors are barricaded It is reported that Comptroller Connolly and Deputy Comptroller Green will remain in the office all night The Committee of Seventy did riot ineet to day either in public or secret session as reported but an official call has been issued for a meeting at noon to morrow at the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce on business of special and immediate importance Nbw York September Charles 1 this afternoon at the request of SJ Til den gave' his written opinion upon the legal question raised Mayor Hail in his letter this morning to Comp troller Connolly Hall insists that Connolly by? the appointment of a deputy to perform all hls duties and to exercise all his powers really aban dons his office 1 Mr holds that this appointment is in strict accordance with law Hali Insists that his own right to appoint implies and includes the right! to remove and that therefore he can remove Mr Connolly at will Conor holds that the' statute confers no right of removal upon the Mayor either expressly or by implication His opinion has the support of Mr Samuel who the statutes ofi the subject careful examination Nothing but a judicial de cision can set aside claim to his office The law provides Hall with no means of turning him out Arizona Treaty Between Gen eral CrooB and ttie Indian Troubles San rancisco September Tucson Ari zona adviees of September 9 report that General Crook has made a treaty with the Coyote Apaches by which they agree to join the white forces against the hostile Apaches There was a rumor of death of Cochise from wounds received in a fight with Mexican troops in Sonora and also that the Apaches have driven all the miners from Turkey creek into' Prescott and killed a herdsman in Valle de Chino General Crook is satisfied that he can conquer the Apaches if the Peace Commissioners will let him alone A party of old frontiersmen have arrived in this city from the San rancisco mountains in Ari zona where they found rich placers but were driven Off by Apaches They bring considerable gold and desire to return with a large party The third regular course of lectures under the auspices of the Grand Army of the Republic' will open with the Mendelssohn (Boston )' quintette club rederick female semi nary REDERICK MD Session commences September 11 Terms very moderate Send tor catalogues REV THO8 CANN A aug3 2m President TBE WEATHER WaE Department Office Chief Signal Officer September 19 1 A i synopsis for the past twenty four hours 1 The high barometer which was Sunday night central in western Pennsylvania has southeastward to the middle Atlantic coast and fallen somewhat a small area of low pressure has passed from Minnesota over Lake Michigan I and is now central between Huron and Ontario! The pressure has risen again from Kansas north wards Clear weather has prevailed on the At lantic coast excepting the cloudiness in North Carolina Local rains have been reported from the immediate Gulf coast and brisk winds have prevailed for a short time on the upper Lakes but have now moderated The northerly winds on the middle Atlantic and lower Lakes have neared' to southwest Threatening weather with light rains has generally accompanied the low pressure on Lakes Superior and Michigan but clear weather is now reported from Erie and Ontario 5 with clotjdyweaUier in the Ohio valley The barometer will probably fall slightly over the Middle and Eastern States but no serious dis 1 turbaricels apprehended Brisk winds on Lake' Ontario will probably abate on Tuesday morning Rising barometer and clear weather tor the North west and upper lakes impartially cloudy and pleas ant weather for the GqU and Southern Stites with light local rains on the latter coasts The Lake Sbore Railroad I Chicago Objects to the or Its Stock I Chicago III September The Tribune argues that the proposed watering of the stock of the Lake Shore railroad is In direct violation of the constitution of the State of Illinois which in article eleven provides that no railroad corpora tion doing business in the State shall issue stock or bonds except for money labor or property actually received and applied to the purpose for which the corporation was created' and all stock dividends and other fictitious increase of the capi tal stock or indebtedness shall be void 1 The Lake Shore road being the result of the consolidation of several railway companies in cluding the Michigan Southern and Northern In diana which is authorized by the laws of Illinois and there having been no special law authorizing the Lake Shore Company to issue any stock in excess of its capital paid for construction of the road it follows that this watering process Is in violation of the State constitution Laying of tbe Corner Stone of the Sol and Monument at Bos ton Appropriate Manifestations Boston September At noon to day busi ness was generally suspended the public schools dismissed flags displayed on the public and many private buildings and other appropriate manifes tations made to show the public interest in the formal laying of the corner stone of the and Monument on Boston Common this afternoon The weather is delightful I SECOND DISPATCH Boston September 18 The services at the lay ing of the corner stone of the Soldiers and Monument to day were very impressive being participated in by the Masonic fraternity State inilitia Grand Army of the Republic fire depart: ment Addresses were delivered by General Robert Cowan and Mayor Gaston Particulars of the Wells argo Com pauy Express 'Robbery at Ellis Kan i Au Engineer Suspected Louis September (following are the particulars of the robbery' of the Wells argo Express office at Ellis Kansas last week of 822 000 received The money had been sent by the auditor of the Kansas Pacific Railway Company to pay the hands' Reaching Ellis the money was given to the agent and carried to his office' Several persons were in the office at the time The agenj rolled the package in a blanket1 threw itunder the table and went home In the morning he re turned to the office and found the money stolen An engineer on the road Is suspected Outbreak at the Nevada state Prison San rancisco September An outbreak occurred in the Nevada State prison to day Lieutenant Governor Denver and five'of the guards were wounded and Matt Ridley was shot and killed Twenty nine prisoners escaped (SECOND DISPATCH The fight at Carson yesterday with the convicts who were making their from prison was one of the most desperate on record Nearly every officer and guard and several of the pris oners were wounded Lieutenant Governor Den ver was shot through tbe hip and now lies in a critical condition IBMJED EVERY 3 Containing Tk complete nd Interesting resumlt the doings' at me National Capital with the lAtes News from all quarters o( the world choice Miscellany and carefully prepared Rditortata SATURDAY! 0 0 MONDAY ROSEDALE! ROSEDALE! ROSEDALE! ROSEDALE! EVERY EVENING EVERY EVENING Wi th reat Cast and Magnificent Scenery! urniture a la mode Elegant costumes A Wisconsin Sad Ending to a Pleasure Trip I Milwaukee September 18 special dispatch from Madison Wissays: The sail boat Lady of the Lake was capsized last evening on the Lake Mendota and Dr John Wilson and Mr Pettis both from this city were drowned Hon James Ross from Madison and Daniel Knight' from Milwaukee were washed ashore tins morning in a critical condition The bodies of the drowned have not yet been recovered Tbe Torpedo Catastrophe in New Verdiet of the Jnry New York September The verdict of the jury' rendered this afternoon holds the proprietors of the Beekman street establish ment where the fatal fireworks explosion took plate responsible for the lives of the lost The funeral of Goldschmidt one of the proprie tors killed by the explosion took place to day Klueber the other proprietor is in the Tombs in default of 810 000 bail The Safety of Dr Livingstone Con Americans to tbe A Contradictory Statement i London September 18 Advlees from Zanzibarannounce the receipt of positive intelligence of the safety of Dr Livingstone The authority for the statement is unquestionable and its truth cer i tain A party of Americans are hurrying into the interior with the object of rescuing the Doctor from his perilous position The Newcastle Strike to The London Demonstration Not to Take 1 Place London September The demonstration favor of the men on a strike which was to have taken place in Trafalgar Square London has been entirely abandoned Many foreign workmen are daily arriving at Newcastle and Gates Head At a mass meeting of the Newcastle working men yes terday it was resolved to continue the strike The Hnkinx In A Outrage 'A J1 Little Rock Ark September 18 Saturday night ten masked men went to the house of An derson Moore (colored in Drew county andtook Keagle (colored) away He has not jbeen hear qt and it is thought he has been murdered Keagle had been living with a white woman to whom lie was to have been married Several parties white and colored have been ar rested on suspicion i'K Serious Accident at Philadelphia Philadelphia September 18 before 6 thjs evening the arches of the cellar of the new market house corner of Seventeenth and ederal streets sfelii in burying a number of workmen in the ruins Robert Hart aged forty five was killed Archibald Caldwell had a leg broken and William Williams was injured in Deatli of Two Children by A Carelessness 7 Chicago September Two children of Mrs Brown residing In Taylor street were suffocated to death by smoke the kitchen yesterday wherethey had been placed under lock while the mother was at church jnie Small pox iu Lowell The Increasing LowEu'ifiABB Septwnber 18 one new peases of small pox were reported" yesterday The "isuperlnteriitent of the public schools prohibits the4 attendance of children in whose families or linme Dr Bradshaw of Monroe Wis has been appointed an examining surgeon in the Pen sion Bureau and Dr Joe Lynch of Memphis Tenn has resigned his position as examining surgeon Commissions of Bevenue Officers yet the Commissioner of Internal Revenue and the collectors and assessors have agreed upon no basis for the settlement of the commissions due the latter on account of the shipment of tobacco oil cotton and other kinds of merchandise in bond out of their respective districts Naval Affairs Lieutenant Commander Roderick 8 McCook ordered to the navy yard Portsmouth Lieutenants Charles Hutchins William Emery A Iverson and Haswell Mas ters Bailes and Delehanty and Assistant Surgeon A Griffith detached from the Relief and placed on waiting orders Passed Assistant Pay master John Cannady from the Relief and ordered to settle accounts The Boston Pest Office A photograph of the United States post office and sub treasury building now in course of erection on Devonshire street Boston Mass showing the progress of toe work to September 13 1871 was re ceived by Supervising Architect Mullett yesterday The building is to be of the classical Rennaissance architecture and when finished will be an impos ing structure The granite work on the building is finished up to the top of the second story Contested Land Claim Decided A contested land claim which has been pending before the Commissioner of the General Land Of fice tor some time was decided on Saturday last Two parties claimed a tract of forty acres at He lena Montana on which a mill was erected The Commissioner decided that neither party was en titled to enter the claim under the preemption law as the land was used for purposes of trade and not agriculture and neither claimant used the land for agricultural purposes nor did either claim any Interest in the mill Tax on Spirits About 30 per cent of all the spirits produced during the existence of the bonded system oper ated under the internal revenue laws yielded a tax of 82 yer gallon while 40 percent remained in bonded warehouses after the 20th day of July 1868 and realized to the Government a tax of 60 cents a gallon The remaining 30 per cent is ac counted for by the amount exported and allowed for breakage These figures would indicate that the Government has received upon eaeh gal lon of spirits shippedan aniount not exceeding 81 cents per gallon Evasion of the Revenue Laws Supervisor Perry of North and South Carolina district is in the city' and was informed yester day by letter from the assessor of the 6th North Carolina district that in Tadkin county two illicit stills which were in full running order had been seized also 130 gallons of brandy and twenty! six hogs Mr Perry deputy a few days ago no him that he had seized four large tobacco factories in this district for re using revenue stamps and other fraudulent practices The owners have been turned over to the courts The Extra Duty Pay i 1 It has been ascertained that the appropriation out of which the hospital stewards were expected to receive their extra duty pay (as recently allowed them by the decision of the Second Comptroller will cover only a small portion of the claims al lowed The question now is what claims shall be paid first? It seems that the great majority of these claims were filed by the same attorney at one time and none can have priority for payment It is suggested by Comptroller Brodhead that they cast lots for the amount on hand The New Internal Bevenue Stamps The Glen Mills Paper Company in Pennsylva nia have fulfilled their contract with the Govern ment and furnished about 15000000 sheets of the new style of paper on which are to be printed the new revenue stamps The contractors in New York who are to print the borders have received the paper from the mills and the paper with that portion of the work upon it is expected at the In ternal Revenue Bureau next week The filling in is to be done at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing and it is expected that by the first of November a large supply will be on hand ready for issue Old Accounts Disposed Of The reorganization of the Third Office recently made by General Rutherford greatly facilitates the business of that office and by the end of the present fiscal year it is expected to have all of the property accounts of army offi cers during the war closed up and finally settled This is to be brought about by the discontinuance of the useless and unwarranted system which has been carried on for a few years past in settling this class of accounts and the official statsment as furnished at the Third Office shows that the cost of collecting the money due for lost property in charge of officers has five times ex ceeded the aggregate value of such property Under the present system the account ability are gone over in a systematic order and where there is an entry showing that Officer John Smith owes the Government 32 for stationery while doing duty on the frontier the item is can celed and the Government saves 85 which would be the cost of collecting the claim Although this new mode of transacting business hastens the work of a bureau and consequently alarms some clerks who always object to any depar ture it is believed that the disposition of petty cases in a manner mentioned above will be econom ical to the people and consequentlyjmeet their ap'r proval Ttie Clear and Tobacco Tax i The tobacco manafacturers are expected here soon to revive and agitate the old question of the reduction of the tobacco tax Commissioner Douglass has not as yet laid out his line of policy as to what he will recommend in connection with this matter and as there is such a diversity of opinion between Congress the tobacco manufac turers and internal revenue officials it is ex tremely doubtful if anything whatever is done in the matter and in all probability it will be deemed expedient to let the matter stand just as it is at present The manufacturers complain that the tax of sixteen cents per pound on the poorer qual ity of tobacco and thirty two cents for the best grades is a grievous one and it should be made more uniform But their idea of uniformity is to fix the rate of taxation at sixteen cents per pound for all classes of just what the Govern ment receives for the poorer grade of tobacco at the present time The manufacturers oppose every proposition to fix the rate ata figure slightly above sixteen cents and although the commit tees of Congress have stood ready to reduce the tax and make it more uniform the idea has never met with favor among the manufacturers except it is fixed at their rate Which if allowed would take 810 000 000 per annum from the revenue of the Government and the efforts made in this behalf have always very properly met with dis favor before the committees of Congress The cigar tax which is only a half a cent on each cigar (domestic no matter what the price is bringing in a revenue of about 36000000 a year This tax of a half cent has been in vogue for four years past and although there are some opportunities to evade the law which are in a great many instances taken advantage of it is believed that as much revenue can be collected from cigars with the rate as at present fixed as by any other system and from present indications it is not expected that any change in this tax will be recommended i The twelfth annual ses sion of Mrs 8 A Select School for Boys will commence September 11 at 1704 I street se2 stuthlm AT I LINCOLN HALL to be followed on same week night by Rev ROBERT COLLYER of Chicago ANNA DICKINSON TAYLOR of Chicago lion GEORGE Mrs DALLAS GLYN the distinguished English tragedienne and Shakspearean reader TWAIN i Rev'E" CHAIN of New York" i OLIVE LO WENDELL PHILLfPS CORNS PB WHITE CHIBOPOfiiST I NO 535 ITEENTH STREET Opposite 8 Treasury Wash ngton and No 7 North Oharieer street Baltimore Successfully treats CorM Bunions Chilblains Club and Ingrowing Nalls and other diseases ot the feet without pain or inconvenience to the pa tient The shoe can beworp with ease imme diately after the operation Refers to the many eminent Surgeons Physi cians and thousands of other well known and re 1 sponsible persons who patronize his eatahitoWai Buurs from 8 A to 6PM Owing to press of business at office Dr White 18 unable to visit patients at their residences except between 6 and 8PM mh7 ly LOOK OUT OR COMING SENSATION THEOLOGICAL DEP Opens September 15 Tuition and Rooms free LAW Year begins October 2 Tuition 850: full course 880 in advance MEDICAL Year begins Octo ber 11 (Lectures begin daily at 5 ees: Matriculation 85 of Lectures 3100 xj COLLEGE Year begins Sep tember 13 Tuition 89 per year Appli cants for admission examined September 12 PREPARATORY Year begins Septem ber 13 Tuition 89 per year? Applicants for admission examined September 1 1 and 12 NORMAL Year begins Septem ber 13 Tuition 89 per year Applicants for admission examined September 11 and 12 se2 tf New York BtocM Maigxet New Yobk September Stocks opened very sick but are now better Gold firm at 14 Governments steady and dull Money easy Virginia 63 new 69 North Carolinas 40 new 24 Exchange long 8 short 9 1 New York Produce Market New York' September lour and heavy Wheat dull and declining Corn steady Baltimore Produce Market Market qniet' to day but firm under quite limited offerings and holders generally Indisposed to press sales Prices are un changed and we quote as before viz: Howard Street Super85 25 5 75 Howard Street Common to air Extra 6 23 6 75 Howard Street Good to Choice Extra 6 75 7 00 Howard Street amily 7 00 8 00 Ohio and Indiana Super 5 25 5 75 Ohio and Indiana Common to air Ex 6 25 6 50 Ohio and Indiana Good to Choice Ex 6 75 7 00 Ohio and Indiana amily 7 00 7 75 City Mills Super 5 25 5 75 City Mills Standard Bjttra 6 7 00 City Mills Rio Brands Extra 7 50 8 00 Patapsco amily 10 00 Patapsco Extra 9 50 Reservoir amily" 110 00 Reservoir Extra 9 50 i Chesapeake Extra 9 00 Hockfey Extra 9 00 Woods amily MOO amily 10 00 Rye lour 4 75 5 25 ine lour 4 50 5 00 Corn Meal City Mills 75 Wheat of 13 000 bushels red at from 81 to 81 63 The bulk at the latter figure and 500 do white at 81 65 sales also 1200 bushels Western' amber at 31 57L 62 2000 do Southern red at from 31 40 to 81 60 3 000 do amber at 31 651 70 and 1000 do white at 31 651 67 per bushel Corn 1 200 bushels white at 7782 cents and 1 300 do yellow at 7576 cents per bushel Sales to day100 bushels prime at 80 cents Oats 7000 to 8 000 bushels at from 50 to 55 cents thebulk at 5255 renta i We quote as before viz: Rio tn bond atl213 cents for fair to good cargoes 13 0 14 cents for prime do ana duty paid lots as ranging from 15 to 18 cents all gold Stock here in first hands only about 17 000 bags We quote to day as follows viz: Up land at 2020 cents for middling 1919 cents for low middling and 1818 eenta for good ordinary IM ILL EED still sells at 1618 cents and Middling 2527 cents for light 3540 cents per bushel forheavy City Mills but the mar ket is firm at these figures with rather an upward tendency We quote 'nominally aS follows viz: Cuba clayed 3035 cents Muscovado 8538 cents Porto Rico 35045 cents English Island 30 45 cents per gallon Stock very light of all de scriptions Bulk Nd further sales reported and very little offering We quote Shoulders now held at 6 cents and Sides at 6 cents for rib and 7 cents for clear Bacon con tinues very active and firm but prices are un changed and we still quote as follows viz: Shoulders 7 cents rib Sides 78 cents and clear rib do 88 cents Hams still range from 14 to 16 cents Lard we quote as before at 99 cents for Western 10 cents for re rendered ana Mess Pork at 813 7514 per barrel i RICE is firmer under unfavora ble advices relative to the condition of the new crop and prices may be written higher We re port sales 25 to 30 tierces good to prime at 88 cents We note a sale on Saturday of 150 bushels prime Clover at 86 75 per bushel but it is jobbing generally at 1010 cents per lb Timo thy is sen! ng at S3 253 50 and lax 31 90l 95 per bushel lor country lots SALT very brisk for Liverpool con siderable sales being made ex ship and at ad vanced prices We now quote for Ground full weight sacks 81 351 45 and ine 82 052 15 per sack Island steady at 4045 cents per bushel for lots from store Sales moderate" We have no transactions to report to day in Sugars but the market though very dull is steady We quote as before viz: or refining grades Cuba and Porto Rico 99 cents oceiy Cuba 1010 cents groeery grades Porto Ico 10ll cents Demerara vacuum pan 10 12cents Refined Continue in good demand' and steady at former quotations Hard Crushed 'selling at 1313 cents and Soft do on a basis of 1212 cents for A white Maryland is selling at 6567 cents Baltimore from 42 to 50 cents and Canton Sugar House at 22 cents per gallon but of Calvert Ches apeakeand there is none being made atpresent High Wines firm Sales' reported to day 160 bbls Western iron bound at 93 cents but it was held at the close at 93 cents pex gal lon 118 '64 uoupons uo Coupons 115 New Coupons 113 Coupons 114 Coupons 114 XUJ41152 78 58 '58 KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Gathering of She A Gala Movement" of the Respective Com manderles A Pilgrimage to Mount Vornon To day Philadzlphia September 18 city is gay this morning with the movements of Knights Templar arriving' and departing for Baltimore to take part in the triennial conclave Detroit Commandery No 1 of Detroit St Bernard No 16 of Saginaw and Adrian No 4 of Adrian Michigan arrived at) the Continental at 2 and left at 9 for Washington St Commandery of Philadelphia parading 150 mem bers with Beck Rand made a gallant show this morning in marching to the Pennsylvania Rail road depot They go by way of Lancaster in order to escort Lancaster Commandery No 13 They go to Baltimore where they will be escorted to the Washington depot and will spend to mor row in a pilgrimage to Mount Vernon returning on Tuesday evening iPhiladelphla Commandery" No 2 paraded at noon with the Liberty Silver Cornet Band In new Uniforms They take a special train for Baltimore in company with Mary Commandery No 65 Hadosh Commandery and Lyrene Commandery No 7 of Camden Altogether about800Slr Knights from this city will take part in the grand parade at Baltimore on Thursday Philadelphia September Apollo JConj mandery of Chicago will leave Baltimore on their return home on Thursday evening in company with St Commandery of Philadelphia whose guests they will be while in this city The Chicago Commandery will be received by the Mayor on riday morning after which a number of places of public interest will be visited including a ride through airmount Park I The visitors will participate in the unvailing of the Lincoln statue In airmount Park on the 22d instant and during the evening a handsome col lation will be provided for them by the members of St Commandery at Masonic Hall 1 Richmond Va September The Richmond Commandery ot Knights Templar left for Balti more in a special train to day sixty strong with band accompanied by a number of Royal Arch and Master Masons and Knights from other parts of the State Generalissimo Robert Withers and Captain General Isaac will represent the Grand Commandery of Virginia in the Grand Encampment of the United States Baltimore September Several thousand Knights Templar from Kansas Pennsylvania Ohio New York New Jersey Missouri Iowa Massachusetts Wisconsin Tennessee Kentucky Louisiana and other States have arrived to at tend the grand conclave of the Grand Commandery of the United States and the Royal Arch Chapter of the United States which commences its session here to morrow The organizations as they arrive are received by the Maryland Commanderies and escorted to their quarters Large numbers of the visiting Knights have been received into private houses and the arrangements are ample and complete for the accommodation of all who may be present The city is fast filling up with strangers and the streets present a crowded and animated appear ance On Thursday there will be a grand parade Of all the commanderies then in the city INANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Monday September 18 1871 rom Jay Cookb Co bankers of this city we have the following quotations: closing prices of government securities IIUIM CLOCK Buying Gs 1881 118 a Tivo Twenttes 1868 115 a ive Twenties 1864 VMM ive Twenties 1865 115 Bt ive Twenties Jan a ive Twenties Jan July 113 a Twenties Jan July Ten orties ni SECOND BOARD a 6S 1881 ive Twenties 1862 ive Twenties 1864 ive Twenties 1865 iveTwenties Jan and Julv ive Twenties Jan and July 114 i ive Twenties Jan and July 114 I Ten orties 111 Gold 114 Currency Sixes 115 Stock report from Messrs Lewis Johnson A Co bankers by and Com mercial Lines Telegraph office northwest corner of Pennsylvania avenue and Tenth street James Gassaway operator in charge: NewYork September 18 following are Lflu QUQvaUUuo al LUc OcvUUti a Sixes Coupons 188L a ive Twenties Coupons IT Wivex wont i Hnnnnna jpive xweniies 8 ive Twenties ive Twenties ive Twenties Ten orties a Currency Sixes Mariposa Canton Western Union Telegraph Quicksilver Pacific Mail Express Wells argo Express American Express Express New York Central and Hudson New York Central scrip Erie Harlem Reading Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Union Pacific Railroad Dllnois Central Cleveland and Pittsburg xwruiwest Northwest pref 89 New Jersey Central 108 Rock Island "108 Milwaukee and St Paul 61 Milwaukee and St Paul pref 80 Wabash and Western 62 Del Lack West 109 ort Wayne ioo Bannibai and St Joseph 69 Chicago and Alton ii4? Chicago and Alton preferred '121 Ohio and Mississippi Certificates 43 Columbus Chicago and Indiana Central 19 Tennessee State Sixes old 71 Tennessee State new 72 Virginia State Sixes old 63 rtortn varoima nixes 01a Missouri Sixes Gold Market strong and steady The Teiiovr ever In Ilea tenant Governor Bansier'o Views in Regard to Martial Law In the State Charleston 8 September There has been only one death from fever during the past twenty feur hours A Ransier the colored Lieutenant Governor of South Carolina and chairman of the Republican State Executive Com mittee publishes a letter in the News strongly op posing the proposed declaration of martial Jaw He thinks the civil power amply sufficient to re press existing disorders and that martial law as a remedy would be worse than the disease Another Supposed Vlcsim of the New JLondon Tragedy Norwich Conn September Nathaniel A Keables of New London a clerk in the office of the New London Northern railroad went to New Haven last Thursday and has not since been seen He intended to return the same day His accounts are air correct and from his relations with Rogers and Miss Lilly the victims of the re cent tragedy and from acts and words of Rogers before the tragedy it is believed in New London that Keables was also murdered by Rogers' Grand Lodge or the United States I Chicago September At 10 this morning the Grand Lodge of the United States Independent Order of Odd ellows met at the Sherman House and were escorted by the Grand Lodge and Grand Encampment of Illinois to Metropolitan Hall where a speech of welcome was made by Rogers which was re sponded to by Grand Sire Stuart of Washington city Thirty five Grand Lodges and twenty five Encampments are represented General Positive Decllna tion New York September General George McClellan declines to accept the office of Comptroller because he would thereby under existing circ*mstances become a contestant for the position Had Mr Connolly resigned he would under certain stipulations have accepted The International Industrial Exhibi tion at Bnflalo Postponed Buffalo September 18 telegram has been received from Governor Hoffman stating that on account of sudden illness he can not reach Buf falo until to night consequently tbe opening ex ercises of the International Industrial Exhibition have been postponed till to morrow evening The States General Speech of the King The Hague September 18 The Dutch States General were opened to day by the King in person The royal speech promises a reorganization of the army and reform in taxation and felicitates the Chambers upon the condition of the foreign rela tions of the kingdom rpHE MISSES BOARD JL ING AND DAY SCHOOL for youug ladies and misses 943 street (northeast corner of Tenth will reopen MONDAY September 4 1871 Thorough instruction Northern Teachers 1 References: Ex Secretary Seward Gen eral Crocker John Hitz Swiss Consul Gen eral Masson Teacher of rench Selke Teacher of German Send for circulars sel 26t PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY CHESTER DELAWARE COUNTY A (or Resident Cadets only The Tenth Annual Session opens WEDNES DAY September 6 The buildings which are new and admirably located were erected at a cost exceeding one hundred thousand dollars Thorough instruction in Civil Engineering the Mathematical and Natural Sciences the Classics and English is imparted by West Point graduates and other competent professors Attention is given to the personal habits and moral training of cadets or circulars apply to Samuel Bacon Esq General Matthew McEwen Admiral David Porter patrons of the Academy in Washington or to COL THEO HYATT au25 lm President GONZAGA THE Ex ercises of this Institution will be resumed on MONDAY the 4th of September at its new site on I street between North Capitol and irst street northwest near St Aloystus Church with an ex perienced corps of professors The course of studies is divided into the collegi ate and non classical courses Natural Philosophy and Chemistry will be taught in all the classes above and Including the fourth collegiate and the third English classes Terms: Per quarter of eleven for the col legiate course 312: for the non classical 310 for the elementary studies 86 Should there be a sufficient number of applica tions evening classes will be opened for the accom modation of young men who have not an oppor tunlty of attending during the day au8 2m JAMES CLARK President Theater during ce has been neatly deco rated and painted aV sev era! very Important altera tions added which will greatly contribute to the comfort of the patrons The company arq all thor ough artists and embrace Meodamee May Saville Vir ginia Howard Cordelia Cap pelle Maty Claire Eliza Long Burroughs Hamilton Jean Steavens Gray Adams Nichols Gray I Bogardus CE1 sie Messrs Hamilton Mestayer Bur roughs Collings A Billings Carhart I Drew Collins A Rontejr Johnston Col ville Gilbert Emmet and John Germon Stage Man ager TRICES ADMISSION Private Boxes 810 and 86: Orchestra Chairs 81 Reserved Orchestra Circle $1: Admission Orches tra Circle 31 Dress Circle Reserved 75 cents Admission Dress Circle 50 cents Balcony 50 cents Gallery 25 cents Box Sheet now ready and open daily from 9 A to4P Sel9 4t amusem*nts "vr ationaltheater JN street between Thirteenth and Sole Manager and Lessee Mr SAVILLE OPEN OR THE REGULAR SEASON! SATURDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 23 1871 igELECT CLASSES MISS LYDIA LETCHER has the pleasure to announce the resumption of her Select English classes for Young Ladies on WEDNESDAY the 6th proximo The same careful system of instruc tion will be practised as heretofore and every effort made to give entire satisfaction Terms made known on application at 14121 street References: Right Rev Wm Pinckney Hon Cox au3O 3w QEORGETOWN COLLEGE The academic year of Georgetown College com mences on the IRST MONDAY SEPTEMBER and "ends in the 1 1 IRST yVEEK JULY The Lectures in the Medical and Law Depart ments will commence in October john early president containing particulars can be ob tained by applying to the President lm WASHINGTON SER At TORY MUSIC the Parlors of the IRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Corner of ana streets THE ALL TERM (Third Year) will commence on MONDAY September 18 Eminent Teachers Popular System 01 Instruction and Cheap Tuition See Circulars at the Music Stores or address sel lm BULLARD Director I ui'iM!.

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Article information

Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Author information

Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.