Chronicle from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)

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LATE EDITION LATE TELEGRAMS ADELAIDE AND LONDON TELEGRAPH BY SUBMARINE CABLE SPECIAL TELEGRAMS rom our own Correspondent LONDON September 19 05 pm Received September 20 4 am The German Government have with drawn their proposal for a joint remon etrance of the Powers with respect to the non fulfilment of the instructions of the Congress as to a rectification of the Graeco Turkish frontier by the Porte on account of the refusal of England and Turkey to agree to any intervention Mrs Bravo notorious for her connection with the tragic suicide of her husband Mr Bravo a barrister whose death some months ago caused so much sensation in London has died under suspicious circum stances LONDON September 19 330 am Received September 20 420 am The Australian cricketers sail for Ame rica today They were entertained at a banquet in Sunderland on September 17 Mr Gregory in responding to the toast of the evening said that the whole time the team had passed in England had been most pleasant and that they were much delighted with the reception they bad received In consequence of the prevalence of the yellow fever in America the English Go vernment have issued a proclamation to guard against the possibility of the intro duction of the disease into Great Britain At the inquest on the body of the Jury returned a verdict of death from excessive drinking LONDON September 19 440 am Received September 20 430 am At the general elections in Canada the Sion who are pledged to a protective iave gained a decisive victory The Canadian newspapers regard this result as a serious blow to the prosperity of the Dominion SPECIAL SHIPPING TELEGRAM LONDON September 17 Arrived Malacca from Lytteton June Western Monarch from Lyttleton June 8 Inch Mamock from Port PRODUCE TELEGRAM (rom Messrs Helmuth Schwartze and Co of London per favor of the Austra lian Mortgage Land and inance Com pany Melbourne LONDON September 18 There is no change in the prices at the wool sales since our last but there is an increased animation and competition is more regular and prices are more equal to those of the last series REUTERS TELEGRAMS LONDON September 18 Received September 19 930 In consequence of the recent political murders in St Petersburg the police force I has been augmented by a number of Cos sacks and military patrols have been es tablished throughout the capital LONDON September 19 Received September 19 930 pm At the wool sale yesterday 6200 bales were offered Prices were firmly main tained and there was good competition LONDON September 19 Received September 20 3 pm The German Parliament has referred the Bill for the supression of Socialism intro duced by the Government to a Select Com mittee The advance of the Austrian forces in Bosnia continues unchecked They have succeeded in taking the fortified towns of Gradachatz and Novisher in Northern Bosnia LONDON September 19 Received September 20 830 pm The market rate of discount is 4j per cent Tin is quoted at £57 10s per ton Wheat is 50s per 496 lbs ex store At the wool sales 7300 bales were offered The market is firm The Australian cricketers left to day by the ss City of Richmond for New York COLONIAL TELEGRAMS SPECIAL TELEGRAMS 4 VICTORIA Melbourne September 19 A large deputation of selectors was intro duced to the Chief Secretary to day to ask the Government to remove the existing encumbrances on selectors' leases in regard to the borrowing of money as under the present regulations they could give no security for the money they required to borrow Mr Longmore who was present said he was positive that the bankers and money lenders were doing everything they could against the selectors and they were also against the Government The Chief Secretary promised to consider the matter The charge of forgery against William Hurst late stock and station agent and a Justice of the Peace has resulted in his ac quittal The Equity appeal against the injunction granted in Wolfe Hart with reference to the imitation of labels on Wolfe's aromatic schnapps has been dismissed with costs by Judge Molesworth the decision granting an injunction against Hart being confirmed The trial of Saxby for the attempted murder of his wife is postponed till next sessions to allow time for an enquiry to be made as to his sanity Of the tenders for 5000 tons of cast iron pipes that of the ulton oundry Company was the lowest at £9 15s our tenders were sent in three were colonial and one for imported pipes The latter tender wasat £9 but tne difference in amount be tween it and the colonial tenders includ ing duty and wharfa*ge rates is £13750 in 1 favor of the imported article THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN CHRONICLE AMD WEEKLY MAIL SEPTEMBER 21 1878 In the Assembly the Estimates were proceeded with A long discussion took place on the item for a torpedo corps which was eventually carried The House will not sit after the refreshment hour owiw to the Mayor's ball Alelbouroo September 19 740 pm There is a splendid number of entnes for the Hunt Club Races or the Open Steeplechase there are 14 entries for the Hurdles 20 for the lat Race 28 for the Hunter's Stakes nine for the Bowen Stakes 31 and for the Corinthian Cup 19 total 131 In the Aasemblv this evening Sir moved the first reading of a Bill to set aside the existing Education Act The House adjourned till Tuesday The cricket matches between the Univer sities of Melbourne and Sydney are to be resumed A team will proceed to Sydney in December Melbourne September 20 The Cricket Association will take steps to give the Australian Team a fitting recep tion on their return to the colony Several members of the Government proceeded to Wangaratta to day on the occasion of the Agricultural Show there Betting on the Derby and Cup is very slack There is some disposition to back Lockleys Mr Bevan's tender has been accepted at £800 for the manufacture of three first and three second class American double bogie saloon carriages The weather is very warm and fine NEW SOUTH WALES Sydney September 19 Mt Barton has resigned his position as Crown Prosecutor Mr Stephen will probably be ap pointed Acting Judge at the Assizes next month and Mr Reid of the Trea sury Secretary to the Attorney General The ree Selectors' Conference to day passed a resolution to the effect that no Land Bill would be acceptable to the coun try which was not confined to dealing with fixed principles and leaving details to be dealt with by regulations issued by local Boards subject to the approval ol the Executive Sydney September 20 Au important meeting has been held at Rocky Bank in favor of sugar millers being permitted to distil molasses It was pointed out that at present there is a great waste and if the permission asked for was granted it would benefit the revenue and the pro ducers Senior Sergeant Wallings was shot dead at Dubbo to day while in the execution of his duty The ree Selectors Conference terminated to day A deputation from the Conference presented a memorial to the Premier who promised that it would be considered in Cabinet The Agricultural Society have stated that they have no sympathy with Mr Davis's motion respecting the proposed International Exhibition The weather was showery this morning but is now fine REUTERS TELEGRAMS VICTORIA Melbourne September 19 A meeting was held last night and a Committee formed for the purpose of giving a banquet to the Australian Cicketers on their return The steamer Napier cannot be got off the rocks and is being dismantled She must be replaced before goods can be transferred from the scene of the wreck of the Loch Ard Much heavy cargo is being secured from that vessel Melbourne September 19 658 pm The Assembly was occupied with the Estimates to day The amounts for the Treasurer's and Land Departments were passed without alteration and with little discussion The Chief Secretary and several members of the Ministry will go to the Agricultural Show at Wangaratta to morrow and will be entertained there at a banquet The Governor will be feted at Ballarat prior to his departure for Mauritius lour £10 lOs to £10 12s 6d wheat 5s Id to 5s 2d Melbourne September 20 A divorce case was heard to day in which the petitioner was the Rev Archi bald Turnbull formerly resident at New town New South Wales A decree was granted for a dissolution of the marriage lour £10 12a 6d to £10 15s Wheat is dull at 5s 2d The auction of Mauritius sugar to day was not successful but since the arrival of Mauritius telegrams an improved feeling is apparent in the market Arrived Penola steamer from Ade laide South Australian steamer for Adelaide NEW SOUTH WALES Sydney September 20 The mail steamer will in future (leave here one day later in accordance with the new arrangement between Victoria and the and Company The Premier has promised to give con sideration to a petition by stockowners in favor of a renewal of the prohibition against the importation of stock A rule ntri for a new trial in the case af the New Zealand Insurance Company against the South Australian Insurance Company has been discharged with costs Adelaide town flour is worth £13 5s to £13 10s country £12 5s to £12 10a wheat 5s 9d Sailed Wflljam Mackinnon steamer for Port Darwin QUEENSLAND Brisbane September 20 045 am The Hon Miles Minister of Works has resigned his seat in the Cabinet the Hon Griffith QO Attorney General takes theWorks portfolio and the Hon Gamck Minister of Lands becomes Attorney General The Lands portfolio will not be filled till after the general election NEW ZEALAND Wellington September 20 The Lapwing which was stranded during the late gale at Timaru hai been successfully floated and will be towel to Dunedin to be repaired It is expected that the Glimpse will also be floated NORTHERN TERRITORY Port Darwin September 20 The s8 Mecca from Hongkong arrived yesterday She sails south to morrow She has brought 22 Chinese LOCAL TELEGRAMS THE ARMAGH ASSAULT CASE Clare September 19 In the Armagh assault case the Court gave judgment for Miss Verran for £50 Mr Hosier appeared for the plaintiff and Mr Bright for the defendant PORT MACDONNELL INSTITUTE Macdonnell Bay September 19 The opening of the Port Macdonnell Institute yesterday was a great success Mrs Gardiner of Mount Bchanck per formed the opening ceremony In a very neat speech she complimented the Com mittee and others connected with the building on the success that had attended their efforts At the conclusion of the speech Mr Linn handed the key to Mrs Gardiner who opened the door A tea meeting was then held which was well attended and ample prevision made The tea was provided by Mr Badenoch gra tuitously for the benefit of the Institute In the evening a concert was held in the riendly Societies' Hall which was literally crammed and at which the Rev A Caldwell Presbyterian minister of Mount Gambier presided A ball in the Institute closed the festivities The weather was magnificent i The two steamers which arrived this morning have had quick dispatch THE ATAL ACCIDENT NEAR HAHNDOR Craters September 19 Mr ronds Duffield held an inquest at the German Arms Hahndorf to day on the body of Daniel Leatch who was lolled on Thursday Mr A von Doussa was oreman of the ury Mrs Leatch identified the body as that of her son He had never been subject to fits Edward Olliveraaid he had 32 poles on a timber waggon weighing over six tons He was leading the front horses and deceased was driving Heard a noise and turned and saw one of the front wheels passing over deceased Called out to a man who was behind Good God I Dan is run over" Picked him up before the hind wheel reached him Did not see him fall Had nothing to drink on the road and only a little at lunch Thornhill said he was some twelve yards behind the timber waggon looking after a buggy Heard a noise and turned round and "saw arms up and the wheel passing over his body Dr Weld said he was telegraphed for and on arriving found deceased dead Examined the body and found a slight abrasion of the right leg The ribs were completely crushed which caused instant death Care fully noticed the position of the load It was standing slightly on an incline and could not possibly have forced deceased forward Concluded that he fell between the near side horse and the shaft The Jury returned a verdict in accordance with the medical evidence THE JAMESTOWN SHOW Jamestown September 19 The Show to day was attended by an immense concourse of people The exhibits in all classes were large and the competi tion was good The weather has been very favorable The dinner is to be held at Belalie Hotel THE TAXATION QUESTION AND THE WANTS BALAKLAVA rom our Special Reporter) Balaklava September 19 A meeting was held this afternoon at the Balaklava Hotel to consider the Go vernment scheme of taxation About 60 persons were present Mr Wood sen Chairman of the Dalkey District Council presided Mr Saint moved That in the opinion of this meeting no further taxation is ne cessary for increasing the revenue of this He considered that more revenue should be obtained from the squatters and that money was being recklessly squandered in such works as the Port Victor Break water and the proposed new Parliament Houses He could not see the necessity of fresh taxation if the necessary economy in the expending of public money were exercised Mr Spotswood JP seconded Mr Verco JP moved as an amend ment That in the opinion of this meet ing the imposition of any additional taxa tion at present He con tended that as yet no good reason had been shown for imposing fresh taxation If the Opposition in Parliament could carry on public works without fresh taxation he thought they should have a trial but if it were clearly shown to be necessary he would not object Mr Heard JP seconded the amendment The original motion was carried by a large majority The meeting by resolution also expressed an opinion that if the Government could not carry on public works without addi tional taxation they should retire It was also decided to present a petition embody ing the first resolution to the House of Assembly and a Committee was appointed to ask by advertisem*nt other districts to hold meetings to consider this question Subsequently a meeting was held to con sider the local wants of the district when it was resolved to ask the Government to erect a new bridge over the Wakefield in Slace of Bridge which was burned own and to give police protection for the township of Balaklava It was stated that Balaklava was the scene of frequent dis turbances and' now that a large number of navvies employed on the railway and manv unemployed men from came to the township local police were urgently wanted DEECTIVE MAIL ARRANGE MENTS Mannum September 20 Great carelessness is causing consider able inconvenience to the business people in the township The mail bags which left here on Thursday morning returned again by the afternoon coach and the Adelaide lags have not come to hand yet SEVERE STORM Mount Gambier September 20 A heavy gale blew to day with the severest dust storm which has been experi enced here for years The Rev Pastor house was completely unroofed and several other houses were more or less injured CLARE September 20 Dating the early part of the week we had tome splendid rains and the gram in the surrounding districts is in beaatifal condition yesterday and to day the glass has gone up and the weather is summer like the sun being in Wednesday last was the ull Court day and two of the cases exaited much interest Martin Verran was brought up to answer an action laid against him to recover damages for the assault on his sister at Armagh in March last and for which he is now undergoing seven penal servitude The 8M Mr John Varley and tho Bench visited the scene of the tragedy on Thursday morning and inspected the ground They delivered judgment tor the plaintiff damages £50 It is stated that a petition is being set on foot praying for a reduc tion of sentence on the ground of the provocation be received Stewart Harris was an action brought for £100 on a bill of exchange Mr Bright for the defence pleaded a set off of £86 Mr Hosier for the plaintiff however showed that this counter claim had already been satisfied and the Court gave judgment for the amount claimed Mr Bright asked for a new trial and the Bench having allowed his request the case will be reheard next Court day The Rev Chas Clark delighted us on Mon day and Tuesday in the Town Hall with his lectures on Westminster Abbey and Comment on such well known lectures would be suffice it to say that he exceeded the most sanguine expectations A Palmer JP is regarded as the Mayor elect for the comingyear HALLETT September 20 At the opening of the Telegraph Office a good many persons assembled by invitation of Mr James Tiver to drink success to Hallett after which thanks were returned that gentleman The company dispersed apparently very pleased at the telegraph line being opened Mr Hannaford gave a capital spreaa at the opening of his eating house on Wednesday evening About 150 persons were present and a very pleasant evening was spent The weather has been very cbangable during the last few days It is to be hoped that rain will fall soon as it is greatly needed Business is improving MILLICENT September 10 A meeting was held in the schoolhouse Millicent this evening in connection with the Church of England There was a fair attendance of members of the congregation The business was to receive the report of the building Com mittee as to plans mortgage of land and other matters The Rev Bussell took the chair The Treasurer of the Building Committee Mr Glen reported having £260 in hand from sub scriptions £250 of which was invested in the Bank of South Australia at 6 per cent for six months jtbe rate being 1 per cent higher than the Savings Bank bad allowed Tbe Synod had sanctioned the mortgage of the Churoh acre to the extent of £500 but would have nothing to do with the payment of either principal or interest or take any responsibility therewith They would simply hand over the land to the Church Trustees who in consideration of such security would undertake in person the regular payment of interest and the final resumption of the mortgage by the Church It would there fore be necessary before making any arrange ments as to borrowing money to appoint three or more trustees on behalf of the congregation in whose names the deeds would be made and to whom the lender would look for reimburse ment of loan and interest Then as to the plans he had done nothing in the matter while Adelaide as be was advised that it would cost much lees to get a local man to undertake the matter He proposed that this subject should be left in the hands of the Building Committee who would be in a position to see what they might accept or advise As to the payment to Synod for mission services he thought it would be better to guarantee it through two members of theDhurch whose especial duty would be to collect and forward the amount every quarter Mr Vyner That it would be better to erect a portion at a large building in preference to a complete small one only suitable to present This was carried Mr A Harris That the Building Committe call for plans on as reasonable terms as possible for a church the design to be such that a portion not to exceed £600 in cost could be erected oom plete'for present needs such sum to be exclu sive of cost of plans and This was supported by Messrs Glen and Vyner and carried Mr Harris was elected a mem ber of the Building Committee vice Mr Harris made Warden It was pro posed by Mr A Harris as three fifths of the authorised building fund was already in land the question of borrowing money should remain in abeyance until circum stances demanded its reconsideration Carried The Chairman expressed an earnest hope that tbe church might be ready for dedication on the next visit SADDLEWORTH September 20 On Monday evening last Mr Whyman ex lubited bis model of the Tabernacle in the Wilderness in the Institute Hall The new National Bank is nearly finished It is an orna ment to the township conveniently situated and reflects credit on both architect and builder Taosday night the Band of Hope held a meeting in the Committee room of the Institute There was a good attendance The Rev Williams gave an address to the children On Wednesday evening the Bev dark gave his lecture on Dickens in tho Institute tbe spacious hall being nearly filled (Jhr other Cottutry Ntw tu rom our Country Correspondent) AUBURN September 20 A meeting of the Auburn Cricket Club was held in Mr store last evening when the following officers were President Rev Hawkins Vioe Presi dents Messrs Bleectunore JP and Board Secretary Mr Wm Langlois Captain Mr WRebbeck Practice Captain Mr Ashton Committee Messrs Barkis Sandow together with the officers Treasurer Mr 8 Wylie our new members were elected A meeting of the Pioneer Eight Hours Committee was held at the Duke of Wellington Hotel Port Adelaide on Wednesday evenmg September 11 for the pur pose of settling all matters connected with the recent picnio on Torrens Island There was a good attendance and Mr Webster presided It was stated that there was a balance in hand of £60 after paying all the expenses connected with tbe demonstration It was ascertained that £36 had been subscribed by the public so the Committee decided to divide thatmount amongst the following charitable insti tutions Adalaide Hospital £10 Convalescent Home Hospital £10 Building und of tbe Port Adelaide Institute £4 and to Roderick McNeil a resident of the Port who has been laid aside by sickness for about two years £2 It was decided to purchase a banner out or the remaining £24 and retain the balance as the nucleus of a fund for the next an niversary UNERAL MR JUSTICE STOW The remains at the late Mr Justice Stow were interred in the West terrace Cemetery on Thurs day September 10 The universal esteem in which tbe deceased was held was' shown in a very marked degree there being an exceedingly large attendance The relatives of the late Judge as our readers are aware accepted the offer of the Government to grant his remains a public burial and in order to allow the mem bers of the Legislature to attend both the Legis lative Council and the House of a adjourned over Thursday Tbe Supreme Court also adjourned over Thursday and the public offices were closed The arrangements in con nection with the order ot the procession were made by the Sheriff Mr Boothby aod were carried out suceeasfully Some little dim culty was experienced in the disposition of the carnages at the house at North Adelaide but by the able management ot Chief Inspector Searcy and bis troopers this was overcome aod the procession started a few minutes after half past 2 o'clock As the funeral cortege wended its way along Childers and streets all shops were closed and the same mark of respect was offered by the proprietors of establishments in King William and ranklin streets indeed during tbe whole of the day most of ths shops in the city were closed and flags were hau masted At Port Adelaide also business ptsoes were partially closed and the shipping half masted their flags There were 150 vehicles in the procession some idea of the length of which may be gained by the fact that when the hearse was in the Cemetery the last carriages and the score of gentlemen who followed on horseback were near the Post Office AU along the route followed there were numbers of people and there was quite a large crowd at the Cemetery gates No person however beyond those at tending in discharge of official functions were allowed to enter the Cemetery till after the mourner and mounted police patrolled the outskirts of tbe burying ground to see that persons did not enter The procession was under the superintendence of Chief Inspector Searcy and eighteen troopers Inside the Ceme tery however Superintendent Petanwald had charge being assisted by two sergeants three corporals and forty constables of the Metro politan orce The funeral cortege reached the Cemetery a few minutes before 4 Only tbe hearse mourning coaches and the carriages of the Governor Chief Justice and the Ministry were allowed to enter the Tbe mourners in the other vehicles alighted and formed in procession in the order in which they are given below and proceeded to tbe grave The ground for same yards round the Stow vault had been temporarily enclosed with railing portion of which was covered with black cloth Inside this only members of Par liament Corporations the Bar and a few others were permitted to enter the general publie being kept outside a very necessary arrangement as there must have been nearly a thousand persons present An inner en closure was reserved for the relatives of the deceased His Excellency the Governor the Chief Justice and the members of the Ministry The funeral service was conducted by the Rev A Marryat Archdeacon of Adelaide The coffin which was covered with a handsome El) and some magnificent wreaths of flowers ndly sent by friends and which bore the simple Isham Stow died September 17 1878 aged was then placed in the vault The relatives of the de ceased having taken a final look at the coffin retired and the general public were allowed to enter the enclosure During the progress of the funeral the Albert Bell was toiled A very large number of persons were pre vented from attending the funeral in some erses through being at too great a distance from Adelaide in others by pressing engage ments which could net be superseded and in a few instanceschro'gh illi ess Theabsenceofone of tbe brothers of the deceased Mr Wyckliffe Stow was unavoidable as that gentleman is in the Northern Territory Messrs Clement and Eustace Sabine first cousins were unable to be present the former being at Port Lincoln and the other in Melbourne The names of other gentlemen who would have been present had the been able will be found below The table of precedence advertised by tha Sheriff was followed as closely as pos sible and in dealing with those attending the funeral we have followed this In the accompanying list however omissious will doubtless be found it being simply impossible to give the names of even a third of those in attendance The carriages immediately follow ing the hearse contained the male members of the deceased family and relations tbe officiating clergyman the medical at tendants the Governor the Chief Justice and the Ministry Then came the members of the Houses of Parliament the Mayor and Corpora tion of Adelaide officials of the Courts members of the Civil Service Mayors and Corporations of municipalities generally and then the general public Tbe first mourning carriage contained Mr Percy Stow Masters and Stow the four sons of the deceased Judge The second mourning carriage contained Messrs StowJP A Stow JP brothers ind Mr 8 Tomkinson JP brother in law of the late Judge The third mourning carriage held Mr Stow Masters and Stow nephews and Master Sabine cousin The fourth carriage contained the officiating clergyman (Archdeacon Marryat and medical attendants (Dr Moore and Dr Whittail) The fifth carriage held His Excellency the Governor Sir Wm Drummond Jervois KG0KG OS and the Aide de Oamp (Mr Jervois BK) Then came carriages containing gentlemen as follows: His Honor the Chief Justice (Hon Way) The Chief Secretary (Hon Wm Morgan) Attorney General (Hon Mann) Treasurer (Hon Boucaut Premier) Commissioner of Crown Lands Ao (Hon Playford) Com missioner of Public Works (HonG Hawker MA) Minister of Education (Hon Blyth) The President of the Legislative Council (Sir Wm Milne) and the following members of the Council The Hods Sir Ayres KOMG Baker Crozier isher A Hay Hughes Sandover Santo A Tarlton Dr Campbell Hodgkiss and Young The Speaker of the House of Assembly (Sir Kingston) and the following members of that Chamber Messrs Bray 8 owler raser Simms Megarey Bean Darling Smith Wm Townsend (Chairman of Committees) Thos King Bright Hon Carr Messrs Atkinson Rees urner Roes Bower Stokes Bunday QC Kricbauff Downer QO Basedow Hon Glyde Messrs A Hardy Henning Cooke Ooglin Martlock and Parsons His Worship the Mayor of Adelaide (Hon Scott) Councillors Hagedorn Anderson uller JP Jones Richardson 8 Raphael Mathews Gilbert Hol land 8 Allen 8 Wigg and King jum and the Town Olerfc (Mr Worsncp) The Crown Solicitor (Hon Andrews) The Commissioner of Insolvency (Mr Downer 8M) The Sheriff (Mr Boothby JP) Officers of the Supreme Oourt Acting Master of the Supreme Court and Registrar of Public Companies (Mr Bussell) Registrar of Probates and Chief Clerk (Mr A Wilson) Chief Clerk and Associate in Equity (Mr Wm Gwynne) Clerk Receiver and Law Librarian (Mr Nash) Assistant Associate and Clerk (Mr itaroy) Clttk (Mr Muirhead) Clerk (Mr Goddard) Member ot the Mr Ingleby QC Mei sis Ashton Ayers Bakewell Barlow MA Belt Wm Benny A Bonnin Bonnin Boucaut Bruce Cullen Dashwood CM Davis Wm Dearman Dempster A Downer Downer Emerson enn leming 21 oster Gall Le Gratton Gwynne jun A Hardy Hargrave tun 8 Jacobs Kingston A LebattH MildredJ EMouldenB A Moolden Bayfield Moulden Muirhead Nicholson Pater Pope Ronald RudaU Sandford Scott Sheridan Smith Stock Stewart Stockey MX Symon Wadey Wallace A Whitby and Wigley (Mayor of Glenelg) The Coumaiidant of tbe Local orce (Colonel Downes BA) Major Godwin and Captain Haggard Aide do Camp) Senior Naval Officer (Staff Commander Howard BA) and Lieutenant Goalen RN The Auditor General (Mr Hitchin JP) The Acting Under Secretary (Mr San derson JP Tbe Collector of Customs (Mr Lewis JP) The Surveyor General (Mr Goyder) Tbe Engineerin Ohief (Mr Mais JP The Postmaster General and Superintendent of Telegraphs (Mr Todd OJLG) The Registrar General (Mr Andrews) The Under Treasurer (Mr Sheppard The Clerk of the Legislative Council (Mr OSingleton) The Clerk of the House of Assembly (Mr Beresford) and Assistant Clerk and Sergeant at Arma (Mr Blackmore) The Secretary to the Commissumer ot Crown Lands (Mr Andrews) Tbe Secretary to the CotnmiMieoer of Publia Works (Mr Mann) Tha Secretary to the Minister of Education (Mr GE de Mole) The Commissioner of Police (Mr Hamilton) The Colonial Surgeon (Dr A 3 Patterson) The President of the Marine Board (Capt erguson 8J4) The President of the Connell of Education (Mr A Hartley BA BBc) The President of the Central Board of Health (Dr Wm Gosse JP) Tbe Engineer of Harbors and Jetties (Mr Hickson MICK) The Traffic Manager of Railways (Hr A Pendleton) The Architect in Chief (Mr Woods) The Hydraulic Engineer (Mr Oswald Brown) Tbe Chief Inspector and Valuator (Mr Bonner JP) Other heads of departments and officers of the Civil Service The Police Magis trate (Mr 8 Beddome) Curator of Intestate Estates (Mr A Wood) Iuds Titleajjolici tor (Mr Gawler) the Chairman Destitute Board (Mr Solomon JP) the Registrar of Births Ac (Mr Cleland) Chief Assis tant Engineer (Mr Pattenon CB) Deputy Postmaster General (Mr Squire) Clerk to Crown Solicitor (Mr Ooraisb) Second Deputy Registrar General (Mr Heath) Clerk and Registrar of Insolvencies (MrR Riant) Official AssigDee(Mr Cherry) Clerk to Chief Secretary (Mr Wright) Assistant Auditor General (Mr A eoen meyer) Acting Government Printer (Mr Spiller) Government Land Auctioneer (Mr A Ebsworth) Chief Clerk to Commissioner of Crown Lands (Mr Borrow) Superintendent and Secretary Destitute Board (Mr Arthur Lindsay) Visiting Officer (Mr Oliphant) Sub Protector of Aborigines (Mr Butt field SAI) Chief Clerk Surveyor General (Mr Bagot) Assistant Engineer (Mr Hull) Government Architect (Mr Light) Central Road Board Surveyor (Mr Hargrave CR) Secretary Mr 8 Davy) Waterworks Draughtsman (MrAR Longley) Post Office Accountant (Mr Burrell) In spector to the Council of Education (Messrs Burgan and Dewhirst) Secretary South Australian Institute (Mr Kay) Rail way Accountant (Mr Hack) Membenof Municipalities Glenelg Corpora tion Councillors Cornish and Stacy Unley Mr Bagster JP (Mayor) Councillor Shierlaw and the ex Mayor (Mr Codd JJ) Norwood and Kensington Cor Mr Glyde (Major) Oouncdloro Bailey Taylor Packham Heanes Wigg aud Humbley Amongst the other gentlemen present at the grave we noticed The Rev Andrews MA Messrs Jno Acraman Allott Jas Allen Jas AJltaou Aston Armstrong and Austin The Rev A Boas CoL Barber Messrs Jas Pain Barry Benham Beck JP Vice Consul for Portugal Denmark and Chili Wm Bickford JJ Geo Boothby Boothby Bonnett BonySbon JBrindJP Theo Bruce Bishop and Brown JJ Tbe Revs Casely Copland and Cox Dr Clindening Messrs Chapple BA BSc Collison Oonigrave Conigrave Oonigrave Clark Craw ford JI and 8 Carroll Professor Davidson Messrs Day Day Day Deolette A Dowie Driffield Dittmer and Dutton Messrs Jas Evans and Wm Everett Canon arr MA and the Bev letcher MA the Hon izmiss Messrs inlayson and A rance The Rev Goodwin Drs Gunson and Goose Messrs Gall Giles and A Gore The Revs Henderson and Hussey Messrs A Hall JP A BL Hardy OB Hardy Harris Hawker jun Jds Herring Higgs JP and Hitchcox Messrs Jacob James Johns and Johnson JI Messrs Kaines and Knuckey The Revs Lloyd (President Wesleyan Con ference) and Lyall Professor Iamb Messrs Lindsay Linde De Lucas and Lyons Rev Hans Mack Sir John Morphett Dr Magarey and McIntyre Messrs Mair JP Magill Melvin Moodie Morgan Morgan James Macgeorge and A Murray JP Messrs Nankivell Noltenios and Noltenius Mr John Opey The Revs Patcbell MX Pollitt and 8 Poole BA Dr Peel and Phillips Messrs Parkin JP Parr Ponton Z8 A Priro Proud and Peaco*ck The Revs Dean Russell BD and Richardson Reid Dr Bee Meesra Reed JP Rischbeith and Robin JP (Vice Consul for Brasil) The Rev ShaUbcrg Dr Seabrook Mosers Salem JI Sawtell Schlank Jis Scott JP Sharland Simpson Simpson Smith JP Smedley JJ Spicer Stacy JP Stirling Strother Stuckey Styles Sinclair and A Sudhola Messrs von Treuer (German Consul) Thomas Tite Tatham and Turner The Ben Wright and Wayland Dr Way Wadbam A West Erskine MX Williams JP A Winter Wright Wright Waterhouse and Wood Apologies for non attendance were received from tbe following gentlemen Archdeacon Deve Rev Hooter Messrs Haines MP Hawkes SM Varley SM SAL Davison Grundy Moore and Palmer (soli citors) Hosier Addison Doughty JP Jaekson JP Gardiner JP lAwrance JP Paltridge Davies Le Roberta Watson JI (Mayor of Mount Gambier) and Turnbull JJ? Tbe funeral arrangements were carried out in a very satisfactory manner by Messrs George Downs Son of North Adelaide The foundatioD stone of the Bible Chris tian Church at Wirrabara was laid on Thurs day September 12 by Miss anny Holhtt daughter of Mr Holiitt in whose house reli gious services at Wirrabara have been held foe some years past.

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Article information

Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Views: 6587

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Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.