Lethal Persuer needs a Nerf Hammer (2024)

Lixadonna Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 140

August 11 in Feedback and Suggestions

The same way you are about to Nerf Hammer Distortion.


  • Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,094

    August 11

    I dont see how Lethal Pursuer would need a nerf, especially when we are getting Eyes of Belmont soon and it's basically the Survivor equivalent of Lethal Pursuer.


  • HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,063

    August 11

    Lethal Pursuer is crazy good on like 5 killers. Other than that it’s mediocre. Trapper with LP is still garbage.


  • MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 1,875

    August 11


    How do you know for sure distortion is getting nerfed? 🤷🏼‍♂️


  • TieBreaker Member Posts: 720

    August 11


    A nerf for one side, means a nerf for the other. Why? Because science. Or just… being bitter.


  • ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 3,789

    August 11

    I mean even if Distortion gets reverted to how it was before (which I very much doubt it will), it will still completely counter Lethal.


  • TieBreaker Member Posts: 720

    August 11


    In defence of the ramblings of the OP, it either gets better, worse, or BHVR does a nuanced change that doesn't make the perk worse overall.

    It ain't getting buffed, and BHVR isn't known for it's nuance with game balance lmao. I'm gonna guess nerf.


  • Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 7,672

    August 11


    you can easily see them adding 60 second timer to lethal pursuer before the perk activates. Imagine you equip a perk to reveal the survivor at the start of the game but the perk only works after 60 seconds.


  • Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 7,672

    August 11 edited August 11


    remember that bvhr doesn't slam survivor perks as hard. the change could be extremely minor like increased token generation by from 30 to 45 or reduced the distortion aura block duration from 10 to 4/5/6 seconds which means that long aura blocks consume more tokens. the perk might still be effective even after its nerf.

    BVHR doesn't nerf survivors perk as hard most of the time and if they do, they just end up being reverted anyway, see Iron will and DS.


  • TieBreaker Member Posts: 720

    August 11


    Pharmacy is getting tweaks, Distortion is getting an update. I believe Mandy said that tweaks are usually just number changes, where as updates are more substantial.

    I think it's getting some big change. I just don't know what yet.

    Also, enjoy whatever brain rot I left for you in that other thread just now. I've already forgotten what I said lmao.


  • Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,103

    August 11


    Then distortion isnt any good against any but those 5 killers??

    No matter what killer i choose (perhaps with Doc as the exception) i get great value from knowing where the survivors start and go to in the beginning, so i know where to apply pressure. - on top of that, it extends aura readings and that makes it even better.


  • https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/discussion/comment/3779190#Comment_3779190

    i think it will just end up Nowhere to hide, Lethal pursuer and BBQ aura reading nerf's.

  • HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,063

    August 11


    Corrupt intervention is much better than Lethal for a majority of reasons.

    And no Distortion is still good because if any killer brings 1-2 aura reading perks then they have 1-2 useless perks all game.


  • Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,103

    August 11


    And if the killer have no aura reads it is a wasted perk, all game.

    Corrupt is good if you are slow to get a down or need survivors to come to you. I would rate them both good in different situations.

    But if you really think that Lethal is so bad as you claim, why do you care if it get nerfed? you wont use bad perks, right??


  • HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,063

    August 11


    I never said it was bad I said it is only insane of 5 killers, of course it’s a solid perk. And yes, yes I do use bad perks because I’m not a Meta perk robot, I like to have fun.

    And you can guarantee that roughly 90% of games will have a form of aura read in it according to Nightlights stats. So while it can be wasted, both sides have perks that can be wasted.


  • Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,103

    August 11


    I dont use either corrupt and lethal on my trapper.

    I think we are on the same page, Lethal is really good on some killers, others not so much. The same goes for Corrupt.

    But Distortion isnt even on the top 10 used perks (According to NL) Lethal is the 5th most used killer perk.

  • TieBreaker Member Posts: 720

    August 11


    I always considered meta Huntress to be a full suite of aura perks and add-ons. Aura reading is so strong on her.


  • HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,063

    August 11


    Aura reading is very strong on her and meta if you can hit long range shots consistently, which the majority of Huntress's can not do. Full aura will do you no good if you just see where survivors are and run over to them and engage in a close range chase while being a 110% killer, she is too slow to work that way. The real meta will forever be 2 slowdown and 2 aura or 1 slowdown and three aura for her. If you see Huntress's running full aura either they are insane and can win with that build OR they are practicing and trying to get better at snipes, orbitals and so on.

    According to nightlightgg her most used build is full aura and only has a 52% kill rate. Meanwhile her other most used builds that have grim, pain Rez and dead lock have 70-90% kill rates.

  • HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,063

    August 11


    I agree. I see 1 distortion almost every single game. I personally don't have a problem with it as a concept. I just think it should be reduced to 6-7 seconds or make it to where you only get tokens in chase.

    And while yes Lethal is Top 5 I don't believe that means it should be nerfed or else we should look at Windows Of Op as that has been number one far and away for ages.

  • Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,103

    August 11


    I do think that windows need a nerf too 😀


  • HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,063

    August 11


    I think it does too honestly but I didnt want to say anything because you really aren't allowed to have opinions on this site it seems like.


  • Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,103

    August 12


    Yeah, some people go an extra mile to shut you down if they disagree. Im a former killer main and i played with an SWF for a while, now i do a bit of both, and i just want a balanced game for both sides. But that also means that i get hate from both sides, as its often "them vs. us" discussions.


  • HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,063

    August 12


    Yup, that's where I'm at too honestly. That's why I don't post all that much anymore, people take everything personally for some reason. Or you suggest a change and people call you garbage for wanting that change.

    What's craziest to me is that you can have an opinion that is backed up by every big content creator for this game each of which having over 10,000 hours and people with 100 hours will just flat out deny it and say it's wrong instead of actually thinking about it.

    And you can main a killer and be one of the best and have an opinion about a buff for them and still be called garbage. Like CoCo has 10,000 hours on Huntress and when he said her movement speed buff was fine people who have like 80 hours in the game said he is clueless and is bad.

    Nobody tries to hear the other side. They are just waiting for a reply so they can say they are right again but this time in a different way.


  • ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 3,789

    August 12 edited August 12


    Finesse spiked significantly with the release of Lara Croft. Once the use rate of that lowers because people stop doing her adept, I'm pretty sure Distortion will be back on the top 10.

    It's been in the top 10 since just after the rework up until this patch iirc.

  • Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,103

    August 12


    Even if this is true (we dont know that yet), then Distortion will take a 10th place, where Lethal will still be the 5th most used killer perk.

  • Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,103

    August 12


    Yeah exactly, i have had discussion where people kept posting untrue stuff so i had to find proof for everything i said in the whole debate, and then they acted as if they did not understand what i was saying, i used so much extra energy in that. So i just stopped replying if people acted up too much.


  • caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 452

    August 12

    I dont see the problem, corrupt intervention is a much better pick for 90% of the roster. If the complaint is how it synergizes with high mobility killers, thats more an issue with those killers than the perk itself. Plus after the aura read all it does is slightly augment other aura perks, which is nothing more than QoL on anyone but nurse really. I could stand increasing how faast the duration runs out based on how fast you are; current 9s for 4.6m/s, increasing proportionally to the current m/s/4.6m/s. That way someone like blight would get half duration since he has double speed etc etc.

  • ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,543

    August 12

    We don't even know what they're doing with Distortion yet, chill.


  • Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,103

    August 12


    Yet its the 5th most used killer perk.

  • caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 452

    August 12


    last time I checked self care was top 10, does self care need nerfs?


  • Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,103

    August 12 edited August 12


    Check again, Self-care is not top 10 - and it was nerfed btw.

  • caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 452

    August 12


    My mistake, sorry. I would like to note that iron will has the same pickrate despite a lack of synergy with exhaustion perks, the strongest survivor perk category. I doubt it needs even more nerfs.

  • Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,103

    August 12 edited August 12


    I'm okay with nerfing all the top 10 perks on both sides. But if you believe Corrupt is 90% better, why is it so important that Lethal doesn't get nerfed ?

    You would use corrupt instead right?

    Also, its kinda strange that if Corrupt is so much better, that it only have a 0,76% higher pick rate, dont you think?

  • Crowman Member Posts: 9,217

    August 12

    You're already getting Weave Attunement nerfed after Distortion. If we're playing the "every nerf on one side needs an equal nerf on the other side" game, then you're already getting that.


  • I_CAME Member Posts: 1,200

    August 12 edited August 12

    Lethal doesn't need to be nerfed. Ridiculous S tier killers like billy, nurse, and blight need to be nerfed. They sort of nerfed Blight and we're thankfully getting Billy nerfs soon. How nurse has dodged major nerfs for so long will always be a mystery to me.


  • Halloulle Member Posts: 1,208

    August 12

    Lethal doesn't need a "nerf hammer" - it's a perfectly alright "lazy person" perk.

    What does need looking at is match start spawn points. A survivor shouldn't spawn so close to a killer that they can be there within five seconds of the match starting.


  • TieBreaker Member Posts: 720

    August 12


    She hasn't dodged them. They've hit her square in the face. It just hasn't bothered her lmao.

  • caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 452

    August 13 edited August 13


    im just saying pickrate isnt always an accurate indicator of strength or a need for changes, I dont want lethal nerfed because I personally like using it more than corrupt though they serve a similar purpose. lethals pickrate is likely inflated due to being extra strong on the most popular killers while corrupt is best on the weaker ones


  • MrMori Member Posts: 1,296

    August 13


    Nurse could get some aura blindness when charging blink, it's pretty much a free hit to teleport after survivors that are being aura read as her.

    Also, they could nerf Blights addons further. Even after all this time, people are still running Iri Tag for 10% more speed and Blighted Rat for +3% per rush. Just make it 5% on iri tag, 2% on rat and 1.5% on crow. Idk. Tone it all down. Billy is seemingly about to get some nerfs.

    It's true what you say, Lethal is only a problem on these killers because they have the mobility to take advantage of the 11s duration.

  • Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,103

    August 13


    That dosnt make any sense, you just told me "Corrupt intervention is a much better pick for 90% of the roster."

    And i disagree, i think that pickrate is exactly in indicator on how good people think perks are.


  • caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 452

    August 13


    weaker in relation to the top tiers who get more value from lethal than they do corrupt, not in general. Any killer with low mobility would benefit more from grouping survivors early game rather than getting a potential early chase. Most killers dont have the have the mobility and/or chase potential to effectively capitalize on lethal like they can corrupt. Not to say it isnt still worth using on them.


  • Rumplestiltskin Member Posts: 138

    August 13


    If, and it is a big if, there is going to be a nerf (rather than just a lateral redesign) I expect they might require a longer time in the Killer's terror radius to rebuild tokens, and/or and have the max carry capacity of (2) Tokens at a time. I rather expect the latter only, however, as they like to test incremental changes and an immediate drop to (2) Tokens satisfies the people complaining about the Perk as a substantial change, without gutting the Perk.


  • Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,103

    August 13


    I think i have a build on Myers where the only aura read i have is Lethal, hes not in any way fast, but knowing where to find survivors helps put pressure.


  • VantablackPharaoh91 Member Posts: 546

    August 14

    Literally why? All it does is give a strong start to a game, as well as enhance aura read by just a couple seconds. It's somewhat useless on its own, and only helps with aura perks. It doesn't counter aura perks or stealth perks on Survivors at all. In fact Distortion counters it pretty damn hard. Lethal is fine.

    Distortion deserves a nerf. It counters 50+ Killer powers, addons, and perks in a way that there is NO equivalent to on Killer side. It's overtuned, it ruins the chase-forward nature of the game, and it gives SWFs way too much info on what Killers could be running. It's too often used to rat and throw games for SoloQers and it unfairly rewards not helping the team. As much as it pains me to say because I love using Distortion, it has to change.

    Compare this to Lethal which aids chase for Killers, starts the game getting on its feet, doesn't counter any Survivor perks at all, is on;y used to support aura read builds, and overall is much more useful on certain Killers or on very new Killers still learning. If anything, Lethal Pursuer is like a Killer's version of WoO - it helps baby Killers a lot, but is still useful for experienced Killers. If WoO is not a problem, and i feel like you probably would agree WoO is not a problem and needs no nerf, then Lethal doesn't need one, either.

    We really do not need compensation nerfs to perks you personally do not like on the other side whenever a much deserved overtuned perk, Killer, addon, or item gets a nerf. Asking for one is pure entitlement, and shows your bias.

  • VantablackPharaoh91 Member Posts: 546

    August 14


    I agree. Only an issue on these two Killers. I say Blindness during a Blink and maybe even blindness during a rush would be perfect changes to make these two more fair, and break the synergy Lethal has for them.

Lethal Persuer needs a Nerf Hammer (2024)


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