Cross-Referenced Description - TV Tropes (2024)

The descriptions and Flavor Text of Video Games' items were written to be read, and the visual nature of Video Games means that there's an inherent order to anything displayed: up-to-down, left-to-right, or right-to-left.

That means the words have a sequence they're likely to be read, and creators can use the existence of a likely sequence to give more information in the limited space available instead of repeating details given elsewhere. If it's possible to access information out of order, then confusion may result, similar to Script Breaking, since connections cannot be successfully made when required. But the Anachronic Order may be intended or at least not prevented even if Developer's Foresight notices the possibility.

But not everyone reads everything, and the writers need to remember what they wrote before, so it does take some more effort, and is done less often than the Aversion of this as a result.

If Skill Scores and Perks work by a Tech Tree and there's perks that are just made to upgrade other perks, the dependent perk probably mentions the perk it applies to in the description.

Dictionaries and other explanatory texts with a vast number of entries, may use this to be efficient and keep word count down, so it may be noted as occurring if a character reads such a text, but as a site, we don't want that. That's a kind of Zero-Context Example.

Similarly, a Dictionary Opening would be unlikely to do this because it's a useless definition if it's totally dependent on referring to somewhere else instead of being self-contained.

The descriptions for Tiered items can use Absolute Comparatives for Vague Stat Values to refer to other tiers, like "Hi-Potion: Better than a regular Potion." Cross-Referenced Titles is the work-title version of trope, as the name implies.

Non-Video Games' examples are likely to involve a Fictional Document as the source of the texts.


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Fan Works

  • A Cavalcade Of Cards: Sometimes sections of the Planeswalker's Field GuideCross-Referenced Description - TV Tropes (1) reference other sections, especially when there's naming similarities, like between Lorwhinny and Lorwyn.
  • Elementals of Harmony: Sideboard of Harmony: "Morbid Flashback"'s "Wolfir Inquisitor" flavor text refers to "Ludevic, Necro-Alchemist"Cross-Referenced Description - TV Tropes (2):

    Necro-alchemists fled deep into the Ulvenwald, hoping that no man would dare follow them. They were half right.

  • Percy Jackson And The Game: In "Chapter 29", the description for the Goblin's Growth effects when combined with the "Puberty" status doesn't make as much sense until "Chapter 33", when said Status appears.
  • Story Shuffle series:
    • Story Shuffle: The Table of ContentsCross-Referenced Description - TV Tropes (3) makes a short and its sequel by describing both of them by involving the phrase, "dark ritual":

      10. In the Details: A grim ritual is successfully performed.

      21. Roundabout Route: One stallion flees from a grim ritual, and from everything else.

    • Story Shuffle 2: Double Masters: Some descriptions in the Table of ContentsCross-Referenced Description - TV Tropes (4) sound like they connect to each other, but they're in totally separate universes, so they don't:

      19. Court of Private Opinion: All actions have consequences.

      20. Proven Hypothesis: Some consequences can't be rainbowed away.

  • Tough Guide to Harry Potter: Bolded words refer to (other) entries, and as a reference text, it's not intended to be read in alphabetical order:

    Arabella Figg is one of the few female Potterians. We unfortunately have very little canon information and thus know nothing about her. Her age can vary significantly. Puzzled students of JKR may wonder about this but tourists will be relieved to note that her apparent Age is often the result of a cunning spell or illusion. Male tourists will be delighted to learn that if she is not youthful herself (i.e. Marauders' Age) she has a beautiful and charming granddaughter. See Defense Against Dark Arts and Females Characters Lack of

    Age, with regard to relationships, is a rather sticky topic for the sensitive tourist. Although romance often sparks between Potterians of similar ages, it is not uncommon to see couples whose disparity in age runs from 10 to 20 to, yes, even 50 years apart. Nervous tourists need not worry because these relationships are invariably successful and satisfying for all concerned parties. If you disapprove, you will have to suffer in silence and frequent the company of Sirius Black and Ron Weasley as these age disparities only apply to certain canon characters. See Severus Snape, Hermione Granger, Remus Lupin, and Female Characters Lack of.


  • The Apocalypse Troll: Chapter 18Cross-Referenced Description - TV Tropes (5)'s Dictionary Opening-type Epigraph, unlike other such epigraphs in the book, has 2 definitions, since the first one necessitates the second due to its Department of Redundancy Department definition of "subversion":

    subversion n. The act of subverting or the condition of being subverted.

    subvert tr.v. -verted, -verting, verts. 1. To ruin; to destroy utterly. 2. To undermine character or allegiance; to corrupt. 3. To overthrow completely. [Middle English subverten, from Latin subvertere, to turn upside down: sub-, from below, up + vertere, to turn.]

    —Webster-Wangchi Unabridged Dictionary of Standard English Tomas y Hijos, Publishers

    2465, Terran Standard Reckoning

  • A Budding Scientist In A Fantasy World: Perks can reference other Perks in their description, as seen in Chapter 69's

    Advanced Mana Measurement: You gain the ability to measure broken mana with the {Precise Mana Measurement} Perk.

  • Deadworld Isekai: The descriptions of things provided by a System, provided that they're given soon enough in relation to each other, can refer to each other, such as in Chapter 92:
Speed Run Run:

You’ve completed five dungeons in a row in record time, not only in terms of what you did inside the dungeons but also in terms of how fast you traversed the distance between them in the outside world.

It’s not the best idea to completely abandon planning and tactics in favor of full hack-and-slash mayhem, but doing so represents a danger in and of itself, one that you survived. Now you can enjoy the benefits.

Reckless Disregard:

You’ve intentionally ignored defense in favor of offense for several consecutive dungeons, tanking frankly unnecessary damage. Fun fact: the amount of damage you took in total across five dungeons was enough to kill a normal human ten times over. Kind of. Armor helped a lot.

As always, this wasn’t a good idea, exactly. But as with the last achievement, it’s a notable occurrence to have lived through. I can pay you for those!

  • Demon World Boba Shop: Some skill descriptions can reference other skills a person has, to increase clarity of explanation, such as Arthur's Teashop Brewmaster skill's information-gathering abilities working together with his Food Scientist skill:
Chapter 20:

Teashop Brewmaster (Boba Specialty)


Synergizes with Food Scientist at all times, but especially when using new ingredients, creating new recipes, and developing new preparation methods.

Chapter 11:

Food Scientist (Level 0)

You understand a bit more about the world around you than most. Other people might be able to manipulate it better, but you comprehend how things should be when it’s not being manipulated at all.

That knowledge grants you a better understanding of various aspects of ingredients, tools, and cooking conditions. At level zero, this skill helps you gather preliminary information about your resources and predict the effects of various cooking techniques slightly better.

  • InCryptid: The first book's Dictionary Opening ends with a reference to another entry in said dictionary:

    Cryptid, noun:

    1. Any creature whose existence has been suggested but not proven scientifically. Term officially coined by cryptozoologist John E. Wall in 1983.

    2. That thing that's getting ready to eat your head.

    3. See also: "monster."

  • Threadbare: The Greater Toy Golem description references the existence of "Toy Golem", but the description of such is never seen because they don't have the sapience to access their class:

    GREATER TOY GOLEM: Toy golems are the protectors of children everywhere! And also good, reasonably cheap guardians for any fledgling golemist. They aren't the toughest of golems, but they possess a few costly powers good for helping their charges survive. Like all golems, they're sturdy, resistant to magic, and immune to a lot of things that would kill living beings. Greater golems possess sapience, and attribute ranks that lesser golems simply do not have. They can even learn jobs! Limited in that aspect only by the intelligence of their crafter, greater golems have theoretically astronomical potential. Greater Toy Golems gain experience by doing adorable things, surviving conflict by toughing it out, and defeating foes using their natural weapons.

  • The Tough Guide to Fantasyland: Entries in this reference guide may call out other entries by using Capitals or directly saying so. For instance:

    Slaves, Female: Beautiful young women. You will find these in droves in the FANATIC CALIPHATES and sometimes in the PALACES of bad KINGS. Their duties are light and pleasant and are: looking beautiful, bathing and massaging visitors, singing and dancing, and, for male Tourists, providing company in bed. None of them seem unhappy in their work and they show no desire to escape. [...]

    COSTUME: It is a curious fact that, in Fantasyland, the usual Rules for CLOTHING are reversed. Here, the colder the climate, the fewer the garments worn. In the SNOWBOUND NORTH, the BARBARIAN HORDES wear little more than a fur loincloth and copper wristguards (see CHILBLAINS and HYPOTHERMIA).

Tabletop Games

  • Magic: The Gathering: Hans ErikssonCross-Referenced Description - TV Tropes (6) and Saffi EriksdotterCross-Referenced Description - TV Tropes (7), presumably siblings:

    Lhurgoyf (Ice Age)Cross-Referenced Description - TV Tropes (8): "Ach! Hans, run! It's the Lhurgoyf!" —Saffi Eriksdotter, last words

    RevenantCross-Referenced Description - TV Tropes (9): "Not again!" —Hans

  • Pokémon Trading Card Game: Some cards have flavor text, and some of that flavor text refers to other Pokemon cards, such as "Kingambit · Scarlet & Violet Promos (SVP) #113"Cross-Referenced Description - TV Tropes (10):

    Only a Bisharp that stands above all others in its vast army can evolve into Kingambit.

  • Twilight Sparkle's Secret Shipfic Folder: "The Quiet Game" card's flavor text and art reference the "Druid Fluttershy" depicted on the eponymous card, which depicts a Fluttershy wearing flowers:

    "Um..." whimpered Fluttershy. "That's not...I don't..." The other version of herself, wreathed in flowers, strokes her cheek. "Don't worry... It's only natural..." - Delving Deeper

  • Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Dragonp[ulse/it] Magicians:

    Dragonpulse Magician: This boy magician has the gift of seeing the natural lines of energy that run through the earth, which his people call the Pulse of the Dragon. His exuberance and skill put him in high regard with his mentor, the "Dragonpit Magician".

    Dragonpit Magician: This gifted magician can awaken the energy stored in the deep places of the earth, known as the Pits of the Dragon. His stoic approach wins him few friends, and he often bends to the desires of his pupil.

Video Games

  • Beacon (2018): The "Focus Patch" item is based on the creator's "Focus Injector" item:

    Focus Injector:

    Never miss your mark™

    Up your game with the new Focus Injector from EXHANCE Energy Products.

    Focus Patch:

    Cover every eventuality™

    Say goodbye to blind spots with the new Focus Patch from EXHANCE Energy Products. Based upon the best-selling Focus Injector line, the Focus Patch provides even greater benefits

  • Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night: The basic Morte enemy has many other forms, and the Archive's entries on those forms mention their starting state:

    Morte: A lesser demon that must draw form and sentience from other sources.

    Cannon Morte: A morte that has possessed a cannon and gained the ability to hurl fire.

  • Borderlands: The Berserker's Endless Rage skill "Increases the duration of Berserk" by a percentage of its original amount, but full context is not provided since the original duration isn't stated anywhere.
  • The Boxxy Quest series: The SI Prefix Name Byte to Megabyte tier weaponry has the latter tier talk about how it's better than the previous one, in both games:
    • BoxxyQuest: The Shifted Spires:
      1. Byte:

        Byte Sword: A basic sword for the budding adventurer. It's nothing special, but it will do for now.

        Byte Blade: A basic light sword. Can be wielded by Spherians who can't equip normal longswords.

        Byte Bow: A basic bow for stealthy, long-range-type Spherians.

      2. Megabyte: "Slightly stronger":

        Megabyte Sword: A slightly stronger sword for a slightly more experienced hero.

        Megabyte Blade: A slightly stronger light sword. It's only slightly less powerful than its heavier counterpart.

        Megabyte Bow: A slightly stronger bow. The arrows are magically generated, in case you were wondering.

    • BoxxyQuest: The Gathering Storm:
      1. Byte:

        Byte Sword: A basic sword for the budding adventurer. It's not great, but it will do for now.

        Byte Staff: A basic staff for beginner mages. It casts magic missile!

      2. Megabyte: "Slightly better":

        Megabyte Sword: A slightly better light sword. It's half the weight of its counterpart.

        Megabyte Staff: A slightly better mage's staff. This one deals water elemental damage.

  • The Card City Nights series:
    • Card City Nights 1: The Jenny Deer series of cards talks about her magic history, and the Young version references the past/future, so it doesn't make sense without her regular version:

      Jenny Deer: She is so unbelievably magic right now.

      Young Jenny Deer: She's been magic for a really long time.

    • Card City Nights 2: Some PsyCard characters' cards' Flavor Text discuss a Sibling Rivalry:

      Ur: As the King of PsyCard he has many rivals, including his jealous sister Hedvig. He tends to cause electrical damage at tournaments.

      Hedvig: Invades peoples' minds to steal their powers. Hopes to one day surpass her brother.

  • Control: The Hiss Research on Hiss Ranger (Airborne) starts with a sentence that notes its variation on regular Hiss Rangers, along with an ability shared with the other Hiss Entity that floats:

    Hiss Ranger (Airborne): This subgroup of Hiss-corrupted Rangers has manifested the ability the levitate, similarly to Hiss Elevated Agents.

  • Copy Kitty: The Encyclopedia's entry on Boki's species, Kitera, start out by making a strong reference to how Boki's the player's only known example of her species, and Boki has her own Encyclopedia entry:

    Kitera: Boki's technically not just a cat, she's a Kitera!

  • Coromon: Corrupted, a.k.a Crimson Coromon, have their own Database entries and descriptions. The corrupted Lumon for instance, refers to the regular version's description for more information: "A corrupted version of what was once a Lumon."
  • CrossCode: Hi-Sandwiches are described as larger than the unprefixed Sandwich:

    Sandwich: A simple lunch for travels. Heals 15% of max HP.

    Hi-Sandwich: A larger Sandwich, to properly greet the hunger. Heals 25% of max HP.

  • Dragon Story: The descriptions for most dragons are self-contained, but the Light Dragon's descriptions in each stage of its life tell a story when read in sequence.

    Baby: Thousands of years ago Light Dragons were as numerous as Fire Dragons, until one morning when the sun failed to rise, and they vanished from the Earth. From that moment until today no one has set eyes on a Light Dragon.

    Juvenile: Exactly, 10,000 years had passed since that one dawnless-day when all Light Dragons disappeared, and almost to make up for the solar deficit so long ago, a second star rose on the tail of our setting sun.

    Adult: This Second Sun washed the world in radiant white. Buried beneath the Earth, wrapped in its own roots for countless millennia, a magical oak reached up through the dirt to bask in the light of the new sun. From it appeared a spirit called Tala, Lightbringer.

    Epic: Tala called herself the Lightbringer, for she was the spirit of the Dawn Tree. For 10,000 years she had rested with the roots of the tree cradling the last remaining Light Dragon egg; waiting patiently for the world to beg for the dragon's return.

  • The first two Drakengard games have Flavor Text for their weapons, which are connected across both games sometimes. The Apostate's Misery-es being about the conception and childhood of a Half-Human Hybrid in the first game, then about his life post-childhood in the second:


    Level 1: There was once a wind spirit who fell in love with a mortal man. Though it was against all the laws of her race, each day she allowed her love and passion to grow.
    Level 2: The spirit was condemned to death for the betrayal of her race. The Lord of Spirits sent vassals to carry out the sentence, armed with a bardiche enchanted to slay spirits.
    Level 3: Sensing that her life was in danger, the spirit made one last visit to the man she loved, then fled through the forests and seas and mountains, pursued all the while by her would-be executioners.
    Level 4: Some years later, a healthy young boy was seen playing around the village. This remarkable boy could control the very winds. His father never told him who his mother was...

    Drakengard 2:

    Level 1: The young man was popular with everyone in the village. He had the ability to control the wind, and was often seen flying over rivers and valleys. He was a cheerful boy, though he always seemed be troubled by something.
    Level 2: Several years later, his father passed away. Before he died, he told his son about the young man's mother, whom his son had learned never to mention in his presence.
    Level 3: "Go to the place marked on the map." said his father. As if guided by a spirit, the young man took up his scythe and left, carried by the wind. How long had he been travelling? Over the forests, oceans and mountain Ranges he flew. Exhausted and frail, He came at last to a village.
    Level 4: The chief of the village welcomed the young man and told him that the scythe he was carrying had once belonged to the village. Just then, a beautiful woman entered the room. The young man knew at once that she was his mother. From that day forth, he helped keep peace between humans and wind spirits. The scythe was never used again.
  • The Epic Battle Fantasy series:
    • Epic Battle Fantasy 1 and Epic Battle Fantasy 2: In the shop, the Max versions of consumables, Potions and Ethers, "Restores more [X]" than the non-Max versions that only "Restores [HP / MP]".
    • Epic Battle Fantasy 3: The Monster Compendium talks about the Underground Monkey variants by referring to the common types:

      Green Slime: The most common resident of every forest. Is very weak and only uses standard attacks.

      Giant Green Slime: Huge version of the common green slime. Attacks with wind and poison skills.

    • Epic Battle Fantasy 4: Concrete talks about the existence of bricks:

      Brick: Put them together to build a house or something.

      Concrete: Works well with all those bricks you've saved up.

    • Epic Battle Fantasy 5: Silver talks about gold:

      Silver Plate: Not quite gold, but still pretty valuable.

      Gold Plate: A pretty material which signifies wealth. Not very strong though.

  • Eternal Senia: Hydrangea After The Rain: Baby Griffin is the baby of Giant Griffin, as their cards' Flavor Text reveals:

    Baby Griffin: Lives in the mountains of the North, but became lost on his waysic

    Giant Griffin: Used to live in the North, currently looking for its lost child.

  • Fairyside: A grudge-causer and the grudgebearer are described in different Notes, in different sections:

    Witches (II): According to school legend, Headmaster Fulligan once slew a witch. Unfortunately for us, witches are vengeful creatures.

    Meffy: A woman with a grudge.

  • Flight Rising: While most items in the game — including Palette Swaps — have distinctive descriptions, the descriptions for the Pine Branch, Fir Branch, and Dried Cedar Branch are some similar items that reference each other:

    Pine Branch: Easily mistaken for a Fir Branch.

    Fir Branch: Easily mistaken for a Pine Branch.

    Dried Cedar Branch: At least this one is distinctive.

  • Genshin Impact: The Flavor Text for the "gemstones" character ascension materials are parts of a complete sentence that is slowly revealed as their rarity level goes up.
  • Going Under: Joblifters' Monster Compendium descriptions reference Sellswords:

    Sellsword: The lowest-rank Joblin contractor, the Sellsword is a jack of all trades, competent at none. He'll get the job done using the most generous definition of the word 'done', and then it's on to the next one.

    Joblifter: Every once in a while, a job comes around that even a squad of Sellswords don't have the strength to handle. That's when they call her.

  • Hades: Zagreus's Lore Codex entry mentions his father, Hades, who has a Codex entry of his own.
  • Hearthstone: Fjola Lightbane and Eydis Darkbane are Similar Objects, Similar Description, about their "wonder twins"-ness, and twins involve two people, so each alone makes the reader wonder who the other twin is:

    Fjola Lightbane: LOVES being called "the wonder twins."

    Eydis Darkbane: HATES being called "the wonder twins."

  • Heroes Of Oakenhaven: The properties of Mythril mentioned in the description of Mythril Axes is only discussed in other equipment:

    Mythril Axe: The properties of Mythril make this bad boy great for splitting logs AND heads! Win-win!

    Mythril Sword: Light as a feather, but strong enough to slice iron. No wonder they call this stuff "the Wonder Steel!"

  • LunarLux: Some spots to check for items will note when you check multiple times:

    You quadruple checked this trash bin...

    ...and proceeded to quintuple check it immediately after.

  • Neptunia: It's natural to note family connections in character descriptions when more than one family member is an important character:
    • Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1: Neptune's Starter Equipment: Her X-Bracelet is only described relative to her White D-Clips:

      X-Bracelet: Neptune only. A bracelet adorned with the same ornament as the one she wears in her hair.

      White D-Clips: Neptune only. Hairpins that look like the buttons on a controller.

    • Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2 SISTERS GENERATION: Nepgear has variants on her Starter Equipment Beam Saber, and at least the prototype, the "Beam Blade", calls itself such:

      Beam Saber: Nepgear's favorite weapon. Its high-output, concentrated beam blade makes it easy to wield for amateurs and professionals alike.

      Beam Blade: The Beam Saber prototype. Not only does it cut with searing heat, but its additional weight provides more momentum and power.

    • Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory Re;Birth3: V Generation: The Nepedia's Character Descriptions usually talk about how characters are connected to each other, but mainly to Neptune, like:
      • Nepgear being Neptune's sister.
      • Plutia being Noire's friend.
      • Noire being Plutia's friend.
    • Megadimension Neptunia VII: The Library's Character Info section on Nepgear mentions that she's Neptune's sister.
  • Iji: The weapons cracked together from other weapons mention those component weapons in the result's basic descriptions, and weapons typically also refer to who's carrying them and how they perform against relevant enemies, which all are in the Monster Compendium.

    Buster Gun: This weapon uses Machinegun ammo to fire pellet blasts more than thrice as fast as the regular Shotgun. While not as ammunition efficient as the Machinegun, the Buster gun takes out enemies much faster if they are close enough.

  • Ittle Dew series: Fishbuns are the only basic enemy with variants and a card instead of being variants on a unseen basic enemy, so both games have cards based on the Fishbun: "Searches for a higher purpose. Has only found dirt and sand."
    • Ittle Dew: The Ultra Fishbunjin 3000 card references the regular Fishbuns:

      Ultra Fishbunjin 3000: "Fishbuns usually don't exercise nor enjoy a balanced diet. Unfortunately for you, this one did."

    • Ittle Dew 2: The stronger Fishbun-related cards reference the weakest form, which has its own card:

      Shellbun: The natural evolution for Fishbuns who have crossed paths with an adventurer.

      Spikebun: Sometimes Fishbuns awake in the morning to find these spiky shells glued to their backs.

  • Legends of Runeterra: The initial Crimson Circle member cards (the "Crimson" Disciple, Curator, Awakener, and Aristocrat) each have similar flavor text, that consists of their respective dialogue in a shared conversation, ostensibly mundane pleasantries as they prepare for a fancy ball. Thanks to the context of the lines, it's possible to assemble a correct order for which line goes where, and in doing so, putting the first letter of each sentence spells out a hidden message: "BEWARE THE ROSE".
  • Luxaren Allure: Pollyanna Cure seems to be the stronger version of Healing Optimism, due to Theme Naming and sharing the same symbol, but doesn't give precise measurements of its improvement, but it costs more than twice as much Mana:

    Healing Optimism: Restores HP to one ally.

    Pollyanna Cure: Restores more HP to one ally.

  • One Step From Eden: The Phase Plates reference how the self-damage-dealing Pinch spell is useful to trigger the Mercy Invincibility they give:

    Phase Plates: Gain invincibility for 0.75 second and Fragile when you take dmg.

    I just felt a slight pinch.

    Pinch: Hit yourself for 1 dmg.

  • Palworld: Bristla's description mentions another Pal, Cinnamoth:

    This prickly Pal's thorns are highly poisonous. It is friendly with Cinnamoth and only smiles while a Cinnamoth is drinking its nectar.

  • Prayer of the Faithless: Mia's "Learned Perception" passive references Aeyr's "Perception" passive, and the former doesn't provide instructions on its use, but the in-battle menu does that anyway:

    Perception: Aeyr has a knack for analyzing foes in the blink of an eye. Press SHIFT when targetting an enemy to show their stats.

    Learned Perception: Through extensive training with Aeyr, Mia has picked up on his ability to analyze opponents quickly.

  • Princess Maker Refine: Maces talk about Clubs, which are the previous weapon in the shop list:

    Club: You really wouldn't want to get hit by this.

    Mace: For those ready for something meaner than a club.

  • PsyCard: Friend's Quest: loafs are made by merging two loofs, and describe themselves as such:

    loaf: a convenient mass of loofs

  • Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale: The Wooden Chestpiece references the previous tier of Breastplates, the Scrap Plate:

    Scrap Plate: A simple breastplate made of scraps of material hastily sewn together. Surprisingly effective for the price.

    Wooden Chestpiece: Better than scraps, a wooden chestpiece still has a tendency to catch fire against certain foes.

  • Returnal: The Databank's Resources list has Silphium as the first entry, then Resin as the third, which is "A Silphium that has undergone [Unknown Reference]", where entries 4 and 5 are Spoiled Resin and Malignant Resin, respectively, both starting their descriptions with "A Resin that has become"
  • Runescape: There's pets that can be obtained from bosses at a very low drop chance (typically greater than 1 in 1000, but increasing as the player hits certain kill count thresholds). Most of them from before 2018 call back to the examine text of the boss they dropped from. Some of which call back even more. For example, Nexterminator references Nex:

    Nex examine text: Even the gods fear it.

    Nexterminator examine text: Perhaps the gods don't fear this version...

  • Ruphand: An Apothecary's Adventure:
    • The ingredients "Strange Material" and "Dream Matter" are highly implied to be related to each other, due to the latter's Flavor Text mentioning a "strange material" and being used for higher strengths of potions that use the former, most clearly in Gravity-based formulas, but also seen in the Split Strike effect of Brill's "My Mix":

      Strange Material: A strange cube that seems lighter than it should be.

      Dream Matter: A strange material thought to be mined straight out of dreams.

    • When Brill's censored in the Moorage, it calls back to the instance of Frothy Mugs of Water censorship in Levitt's Landing when she interacts with a flagon:
    Levitt's Landing:

    Brill: It's a flagon of soda.

    Wait, what? It's obviously soda, not soda-Urgh! Who keeps censoring this?


    Brill: It's a keg of soda. Oh great, this joke again... Pirates don't drink soda, they drink soda. You know what, it's obvious what I'm talking about.

    • Dialogue stretches the definition a bit, but a conversation doesn't make sense unless you've read the sign:

      Brill: The Mimics appear to be using these old boxes as a makeshift signboard. The sign here is selling "Mystery Boxes" with a "3% chance to get an Ultra Rare Greataxe!"

      Sounds like just the thing for a Thieves' Market...

      Jar Mimic: Ya know what, I'll give ya advice, since ya fight so well. Don't buy the Mystery Box. It says it's got a three percent chance for an Ultra Rare Greataxe, but it's really more like three in three hundred thousand.

      An' the rest of the time, it's even chances you'll get a potato, or a Potato Mimic jumps out an' punches ye in the face. What a ripoff arrrrrtist.

  • Science Girls!: Oranges have a Shaped Like Itself description, and there's other foods that refer to oranges in their description:

    Orange: A large, round orange.

    Blood Orange: A large, reddish orange.

    Mandarin: A small, tart orange.

  • The Sealed Ampoule: Crystallized Alchemic Element Chunks are referenced by their next Tiered by Size level, Boulders. Boulders' descriptions starting with "A(n) [Element] Chunk that has grown into a large boulder."
  • The Shantae series:
    • Shantae and the Pirate's Curse: Auto-Potions are described relative to regular potions, and are stored later in the menu:

      Potion: Use a Potion to restore health!

      Auto-Potion: The most superior Potion. Completely Revives.

    • In some games with purchasable fireball magic, Shantae: Half-Genie Hero and Shantae and the Seven Sirens, the Triple Fireball magic is described as "Even more FIREBALL coverage than before!". It's an upgrade to Fireball, and Shantae can swap between Spell Levels whenever she wants, with the only difference between games, other than a note that it consumes magic in Seven Sirens, is that FIREBALL is a different color. Blue, then Yellow.
  • Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri: One technology description quote references another, that's a famous quote:
Completing "The Supercollider":

God does not play dice.

Albert Einstein

"Looking God In The Eye" heard after discovering the "Probability Mechanics" tech:

Einstein would turn over in his grave. Not only does God play dice, the dice are loaded.

Chairman Sheng-ji Yang

  • Tales of Berseria: Ingredients may mention one of the foods they're used to craft:

    Leek: A potherb related to the onion. Used in Orosoren Vichyssoise.

  • This Starry Midnight We Make: The [Color] Mochi stars, who all start off with "A star that further improves upon the adhesive and pliant qualities of [Color] Clay." Clay being another type of star.
  • Three Fairies Hoppin Flappin Great Journey: From the Monster Compendium English descriptions:
    • The desert's common Sun Bird and rare Moon Bird descriptions, which is impossible to get out of order because the Moon Bird is always accompanied by Sun Birds, and Sun Bird is before Moon Bird in the Monster Compendium.

      Sun bird: There are two kinds of birds in the desert.

      Moon bird: The other is called as "Moon bird".

    • White Fly variants by location:

      Coast: Original habitat is in the further north.

      Snowfield: Butterfly in the original habitat.

  • Titan Quest: The flavor text of the Poseidon and Zeus's weapons' Essence relics refer to them as brothers, and Poseidon's refers to the other weapon by name:

    Essence of Zeus's Thunderbolt: Zeus is the mightiest of the gods of Olympus. The thunderbolt is his weapon and symbol.

    Essence of Poseidon's Trident: The Cyclopes who crafted Zeus' Thunderbolt also gifted his brother with a magical trident.

  • Tofu Tower (Naka): The Headless Horseman, a.k.a Dullahan, cards' flavor texts talk about their work and how they related to rewards:
Dullahan at Play: A woman's head at a beach on a beach lounger:

A reward for working hard.

Dullahan at Work: A headless suit of armor, presumably the body belonging to the bodiless head from "Dullahan at Play":

Hard work is its own reward.

  • Touhou Lost Branch Of Legend: The Lunar Veil and Portal Gun flavor texts refer to each other:

    Lunar Veil: The Portal Gun was modified to be used as a piece of combat equipment ever since everyone started using it to travel between the Earth to the Moon.

    Portal Gun: Aperture science assists you to travel freely between the Earth and Moon. AKA: Lunar Veil.

  • Transistor: The Tap() and Void() subject descriptions don't explicitly name the connection between their Subjects, Grant Kendrell and Asher Kendrell, respectively, Tap() only calling Asher "a longtime friend" and Void() only calls Grant "an administrator", but context clues make it very obvious who they are, since it's talking about the founding of the Camerata, and they were the two founding members.
  • Vampire Survivors: In the Monster Compendium, the Undead Sassy Witch's mentioned "sisters" are probably the "Sisterhood" of the Undead Witch entry:

    Undead Witch: The Sisterhood of Witches keeps secrets that could topple dynasties. Four fifths of these secrets are sex scandals. The influx of noble bribe money ensures that no witch goes without a fancy hat.

    Undead Sassy Witch: Giovanna resented being assigned Mage at birth, and proudly took up the way of the broom and pointed hat. Her sisters, who claim they want to “protect witches’ spaces,” have sworn to oppose her and all who fight by her side. Maybe one day they’ll accept that anybody can be a Sassy Witch if they truly want to be.

  • A Very Long Rope to the Top of the Sky: Deluxe weapons have a trend of referencing their non-Deluxe versions:
    • Fun Sword Deluxe has an addition:

      Fun Sword: A plastic toy sword.

      Fun Sword Deluxe: They added realistic slashing sound effects!

    • Mothcutter Deluxe, mentions, but doesn't name its previous owner like Mothcutter does:

      Mothcutter: Rutger's personal sword; it's made of a lightweight alloy.

      Mothcutter Deluxe: A refurbished blade once belonging to a great general.

  • A Weekend In Puzzleburg: The town's bathrooms for females are usually occupied, at least on the first day:

    Hotel Bathroom: It's already occupied.
    Why must there always be a line for the ladies' room?

    Arcade Bathroom: Occupied. Just once can there not be a line for the women's room?

  • The Witches' Tea Party: Charlotte's room can be redecorated, and the Candy style comes with a "normal piano", which is a black piano, compared to the default "pink" or the white one seen on the first floor of the house.
  • The World Is Your Weapon: The Crystal Fragment description references the magical Effect of Crystals, although only Huge Crystal's Flavor Text mentions its magic as well:

    Crystal Fragment: A piece broken off of a crystal. It seems to have lost its magical powers.

    Huge Crystal: A huge crystal that glitters intensely. Its magic is evident to the touch.


  • El Goonish Shive: sister3-297Cross-Referenced Description - TV Tropes (11) has a spell book's spell descriptions say "See entry for details" when referring to another spell in the same spell book.
Cross-Referenced Description - TV Tropes (2024)


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Name: Jerrold Considine

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