Um Dearborn Class Catalog (2025)

1. Courses A-Z < University of Michigan-Dearborn

  • Mathematics (MATH) · Biological Science (BIOL) · Chemistry (CHEM) · Finance (FIN)

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2. UM-Dearborn 2024-2025 Catalog < University of Michigan-Dearborn

  • Undergraduate Catalog · Graduate · A-Z Programs · Academic Calendar

  • The UM-Dearborn Catalog is a fundamental source of information concerning academic opportunities, policies, regulations, and procedures.  It is each student’s responsibility to become familiar with the information contained herein.

3. Registration Planning | University of Michigan-Dearborn

Registration Planning | University of Michigan-Dearborn

4. Curriculum Requirements and Course Sequences | University of Michigan ...

  • Current official degree requirements for each CECS undergraduate degree program can be found in the University Undergraduate Catalog. Undergraduate Catalog.

  • Current official degree requirements for each CECS undergraduate degree program can be found in the University Undergraduate Catalog.

Curriculum Requirements and Course Sequences | University of Michigan ...

5. University of Michigan-Dearborn

6. 2020-2021_catalog.pdf - UM-Dearborn - Docsity

  • 9 nov 2022 · UM-DEARBORN 2020-2021. CATALOG The UM-Dearborn Catalog is a fundamental source of information concerning academic opportunities, policies, ...

  • Download Study notes - 2020-2021_catalog.pdf - UM-Dearborn | Governors State University (GSU) | The UM-Dearborn Catalog is a fundamental source of information concerning academic opportunities, policies, regulations, and procedures. It is each student's

2020-2021_catalog.pdf - UM-Dearborn - Docsity

7. Courses at the University of Michigan-Dearborn - Coursicle

  • All courses at the University of Michigan-Dearborn (UM-Dearborn) in Dearborn, Michigan organized by subject.

  • Chat with other students in your classes, plan your schedule, and get notified when classes have open seats.

Courses at the University of Michigan-Dearborn - Coursicle

8. University of Michigan-Dearborn Professional Development

  • This course is designed to provide comprehensive insights into the best practices pertaining to community engagement and cultivating effective relationships ...

  • © 2024 University of Michigan-Dearborn Professional Development All Rights Reserved.

9. Course Schedule Information - University of Michigan-Flint

  • Course Schedule Information. Office of the Registrar · Academic Calendar · Final Exam Schedule · Course Catalog ... Ann Arbor | Dearborn · Transparency reporting ...

Course Schedule Information - University of Michigan-Flint

10. [PDF] EXHIBIT A - Articulation Agreement Guide - HFC Catalog

  • To be admitted to UM-Dearborn with recognition of the articulation agreement, HFC students must: complete all of the courses listed below before transferring to ...

Um Dearborn Class Catalog (2025)


Is UM-Dearborn hard to get into? ›

The acceptance rate at University of Michigan - Dearborn is 54.1%. For every 100 applicants, 54 are admitted.

How to register for classes at UofM Dearborn? ›

Registration Planning
  1. Check Your Eligibility to Register. ...
  2. Meet with Your Academic Advisor. ...
  3. Plan Your Schedule. ...
  4. Confirm Your Registration Appointment Time. ...
  5. Register for Classes.

What is the major for Dearborn Michigan? ›

The most popular majors at University of Michigan--Dearborn include: Engineering; Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services; Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services; Biological and Biomedical Sciences; Psychology; Social Sciences; Health Professions and Related Programs; Education; ...

What is University of Michigan-Dearborn ranked? ›

University of Michigan—Dearborn's ranking in the 2024 edition of Best Colleges is Regional Universities Midwest, #17. Its in-state tuition and fees are $14,944; out-of-state tuition and fees are $31,360.

Is U of M Dearborn as good as Ann Arbor? ›

UM-Ann Arbor is the flagship campus of the University of Michigan system and, because of that, has a stronger academic reputation and more extensive program offerings than UM-Dearborn. UM-Ann Arbor is highly ranked in various fields, including engineering, business, and social sciences, among others.

What is the lowest GPA to get into UM? ›

For University of Miami Undergraduates

Must have a minimum of 3.00 G.P.A.

Why is Dearborn Michigan famous? ›

Widely known as the home of Ford Motor Company's world headquarters, Dearborn also is an industrial center for steel processing and home to a number of regionally and nationally recognized companies, including: AK Steel Dearborn Works facility.

What is UM-Dearborn known for? ›

We offer a nationally ranked, practiced based, affordable education, small class sizes, renowned faculty and an extensive alumni network. Our students come from all over the world – and right here at home. They graduate into rewarding, high-paying careers, helping to drive Michigan's economy.

What GPA do you need for U of M Dearborn? ›

Students who have graduated from a State of Michigan high school and have earned a cumulative high school grade point average of 3.0 or above (on a 4.0 scale) will be guaranteed admission to the University of Michigan-Dearborn.

Is UM-Dearborn worth it? ›

1 regional public university in the state, a top university for veterans, and outstanding undergraduate programs in business and engineering. U.S. News & World Report's annual guide to American colleges and universities ranks UM-Dearborn as the No. 1 regional public university in the state and No. 3 in the Midwest.

What is the #1 college in Michigan? ›

University of Michigan-Ann Arbor.

Can you transfer from U of M Dearborn to Ann Arbor? ›

There are specialized programs at UM-Dearborn that allow students to earn their degree at UM-Ann Arbor, but most students would be required to follow the official admissions process to apply for a transfer to the Ann Arbor campus.

What GPA do I need to get into U of M Dearborn? ›

Students who have graduated from a State of Michigan high school and have earned a cumulative high school grade point average of 3.0 or above (on a 4.0 scale) will be guaranteed admission to the University of Michigan-Dearborn.

What is the acceptance rate at U of M Dearborn? ›

What is the easiest school to get into at University of Michigan? ›

Students often consider the School of Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA) as easier to get into than the engineering program.


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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

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Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.