Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree - Every Bell Bearing Location (2025)

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  • String Seller's Bell Bearing Location

  • Herbalist's Bell Bearing Location

  • Mushroom Seller's Bell Bearing [1] Location

  • Mushroom Seller's Bell Bearing [2] Location

  • Greasemonger's Bell Bearing Location

  • Spellmachinist's Bell Bearing Location

  • Moldmonger's Bell Bearing Location

  • Ymir's Bell Bearing Location

  • Igon's Bell Bearing Location

  • Moore's Bell Bearing Location

Bell Bearings in Elden Ring expand the Twin Maiden Husks' wares, turning them into your one-stop shop for nearly every item found in the open world. In the Shadow of the Erdtree expansion, you can find ten more Bell Bearings that will enable you to buy useful crafting items like mushrooms and resins.


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But here's the real kicker - almost every Bell Bearing in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree is hidden in a pot dangling from a cliff. While the Bell Bearings found in pots can be especially hard to spot, this guide will help you locate them all.

String Seller's Bell Bearing Location

Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree - Every Bell Bearing Location (2)

Ready your ranged weapon and ride southeast of Belurat, Tower Settlement to reach Prospect Town. Toward the southwest of the location, you’ll find the pot containing the String Seller's Bell Bearing on the eastern wall of a cliff.

  • Item(s) Unlocked For Sale:Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree - Every Bell Bearing Location (3)String

Herbalist's Bell Bearing Location

Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree - Every Bell Bearing Location (4)

Starting from the Pillar Path Waypoint Site of Grace, make your way to the Dragon's Pit dungeon. While following the beheaded dragon statues, keep your eyes peeled toward the cliff wall on the right to find another pot holding the Herbalist's Bell Bearing.

Mushroom Seller's Bell Bearing [1] Location

Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree - Every Bell Bearing Location (6)

The Mushroom Seller's Bell Bearing [1]is just a short distance west of the Rivermouth Cave. To get there, mount Torrent and ride Southeast of the Castle Front Site of Grace to enter a ravine that will lead you to the Ellac River Cave.

After that, exit the cave, travel north along the canyon, passing an Ulcerated Tree Spirit and some man-flies, and then veer west when possible to reach a cliff's edge. Again, the pot holding the item hangs from the cliff wall on the right.

Mushroom Seller's Bell Bearing [2] Location

Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree - Every Bell Bearing Location (9)

This Mushroom Seller's Bell Bearing is in a pot that hangs in front of the waterfall just south of the Ellac River Downstream, a Site of Grace you can activate on your way to the Cerulean Coast.

Greasemonger's Bell Bearing Location

Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree - Every Bell Bearing Location (12)

For those wanting easy access to weapon grease, you will want to grab the Greasemonger's Bell Bearing. The pot that holds it can be found along the road that stretches between the Bonny Village and the Cathedral of Manus Metyr, just past a Furnace Golem on the western cliff wall.

  • Item(s) Unlocked For Sale: Root Resin, Knot Resin

This region can be accessed via a hidden passage underneath the Moorth Ruins.

Spellmachinist's Bell Bearing Location

Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree - Every Bell Bearing Location (13)

The Spellmachinist's Bell Bearing is on a corpse inside the tallest tower of Rabbath's Rise. Unfortunately, the nearby spiritspring isn't strong enough to propel you to the top, so you'll have to descend from the Shaman Village in Scaduview.

  • Item(s) Unlocked For Sale: Rabbath’s Greatbolt

The Shaman Village is a secret location in Shadow of the Erdtree that can only be accessed by performing the O Mother gesture in front of a giant Marika statue in the Shadow Keep's back entrance.

Moldmonger's Bell Bearing Location

Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree - Every Bell Bearing Location (14)

The pot containing the Moldmonger's Bell Bearing is suspended from a cliff northeast of the Recluses' River Downstream Site of Grace, and if you turn in that direction from the Grace Site, you'll spot it. To get there, continue riding south from the Ruins of Unte, which can be accessed through the Shadow Keep, until you reach the Site of Grace.

As the item falls into the ravine below, you will have to use the platforms that stick out of the cliff wall to the southeast of the Recluses' River Downstream Site of Grace to reach it.

Ymir's Bell Bearing Location

Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree - Every Bell Bearing Location (16)

While Count Ymir has a full-fledged questline, he also acts as a merchant that teaches Sorceries. After ringing each bell in the three Finger Ruins and defeating Metyr, Mother of Fingers, you'll face Count Ymir as a boss in the Cathedral of Manus Metyr; defeat him here to receive Ymir's Bell Bearing along with his gear.

  • Item(s) Unlocked For Sale: All Sorceries sold by Count Ymir

Igon's Bell Bearing Location

Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree - Every Bell Bearing Location (17)

You can acquire Igon's Bell Bearing in two ways, and both involve the same NPC, Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree - Every Bell Bearing Location (18)Igon . The easiest way to obtain Igon's Bell Bearing involves killing the NPC when you come across him near the Pillar Path Waypoint Site of Grace.

The hardest, but most fulfilling way is to see Igon's questline to completion, where you can summon him for the Bayle the Dread boss fight. Following the boss fight, return to the location where you last spoke to Igon, to find his lifeless body, which you can loot for his Bell Bearing as well as his gear.

Moore's Bell Bearing Location

Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree - Every Bell Bearing Location (20)

Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree - Every Bell Bearing Location (21)Moore is yet another merchant NPC in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC with a side quest of his own. As is the case with merchants, Moore will drop his Bell Bearing upon dying, and there are different ways to trigger that.

  1. Defeat him when he invades after you kill two Forager Broods and retrieve the Bell Bearing from his body near Main Gate Cross.
  2. After a Great Rune shatters near the main gate of Shadow Keep, tell Moore to "remain sad forever", then find his dead body on top of a Forager Brood north of the Church of the Crusade.
  3. If you select "put it behind you", Moore will be one of the potential NPCs you'll fight in your grand showdown against Needle Knight Leda in Enir-Ilim, and following the battle, his dead body will be lying in the center of the arena.

Alongside having all of Moore's items up for sale, the Twin Maidens Husk will also include everything sold by Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree - Every Bell Bearing Location (22)Thiollier .


Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree - Every Larval Tear Location

Here's where to find all Larval Tears in Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree.

Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree - Every Bell Bearing Location (2025)


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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.