Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs (Hammer Brothers) - This is the TRUE STORY | Horror Galore (2025)

Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs (Hammer Brothers) - This is the TRUE STORY | Horror Galore (1)
Igor Suprunyuck (left) – Alexander Hanzha (middle)– Viktor Sayenko (far right)

Photo’s and video link are GRAPHIC, not for the faint of heart. If you want to skip the story and go right to the gory video then go to the bottom of this post and click the link.

Residents in the small town ofDnepropetrovsklocated inUkraine, were on high-alert during the summer of 2007. A killer(s) was on a gruesome murder-spree and didn’t care who they hurt or what time of day it was or if people were around to witness. Male, females andchildren were brutallymurderedin a random acts of violence. What made it even scarier is the fact that the killers didn’t have a purpose for the crimes committed. It was being done out of pure evil and these ‘humans’ took sick pleasure out of it.

Igor Suprunyuck and Viktor Sayenko, both 19, and Alexander Hanzha became famously known by the media as The ”Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs”for the gruesome murder-sprees they committed. By the time they were arrested, 21 lives were taken and families and friends forever broken by the horrible death’s their loved ones had to endure.

Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs (Hammer Brothers) - This is the TRUE STORY | Horror Galore (2)

Sayenko and Suprunyuck (pictured)and had a hobby of killing animals. The group would hunt for animals, kill them and even hang them to die. The photo above shows Suprunyuck and Sayenko posing for the camera, Hanzha is taking the photo. In the back you will notice a cat hanging. But soon animal killing wouldn’t beenough and the”Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs” went out to get a bigger ”rush”.

Although Alexander Hanza hung around with Sayenko and Suprunyuck, did crimes which included robberies, etc, he wasn’t involved in the actual murders involving people, despite it being called ”3guys1hammer”

On June 25th, 2007, the Dnepropetrovsk Maniac’s struck their first victim, A 33-year-old woman named Ekaterina Ilchenko. Ekaterina was walking down the street during daytime hours, minding her business when she crossed paths with Suprunyuck and Sayenko who were calm as they strolled past her, then Suprunyuck, who was carrying a hammer with a plastic-bag over it, did a 360 and caved there hammer into the side of Ekaterina’s head. Coincidently, the victim’s mother was the one who spotted her laying in the road, dead. Natalia Ilchenko recalled finding her daughter unrecognizable after the hammer attack, and commented that the killers should not be compared to animals because they killed for fun.

Withintwo-hours of killing Ekaterina, thetwotargeted theirnext victim, Roman Tatarevich, who was taking a nap on a park-bench not far from the first murder. Roman’s head was smashed with blunt objects several times deeming him unrecognizable. Ironically the bench he was located on was right across the street from the local prosecutors office.

Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs (Hammer Brothers) - This is the TRUE STORY | Horror Galore (3)
Suprunyuck posing next toRoman Tatarevich’s murdered body

On July 1, two more victims, Evgeniya Grischenko and Nikolai Serchuk, were found murdered in the nearby town of Novomoskovsk.

On the night of July 6, three more people were murdered in Dnipropetrovsk. The first was Egor Nechvoloda, a recently discharged army recruit, who was bludgeoned while walking home from a night club. His mother discovered his body in the morning by their apartment building on Bohdan KhmelnytskyStreet.

Elena Shram, a 28-year-old night guard, was then murdered around the corner on Kosiora Street.According to Sayenko’s taped confession, as Shram walked towards them, Suprunyuck struck her with the hammer he had been hiding under his shirt and struck her several more times after she fell down. She had been carrying a bag filled with clothes. The men picked up the bag, used the clothes to clean the hammer, and threw the bag out. Later the same night, the men murdered a woman named Valentina Hanzha (no relation to Alexander Hanzha), a mother of three married to a disabled husband.

The following day, July 7, two 14-year-old boys from Podgorodnoye, a nearby village, were attacked as they went fishing. One of the two friends, Andrei Sidyuck, was killed, but the other, Vadim Lyakhov, managed to escape. Investigator’s at first suspected Vadim Lyakhov of killing his friend, interrogating the young boy, He was reportedly denied access to counsel and beaten by police during
questioning. It didn’t take very long for authorities to realize the murder of Andrei Sidyuck was related to the murders committed by the ”Dnepropetrovsk Maniac’s.” The young boy then helped create a sketch of the killers, these sketches would ultimately be the clue to finding the culprits, but not before they struck again, killing a dozen more victims.

These cruel sick murderer’s not only brutally murdered innocent lives, but they video-recorded it.after their arrest,Police got a hold of the recording’s on their phones and laptop(s), but not before one video leaked onto the internet showing the horrific murder of 48-year-old Sergei Yatzenko.

At one point, Suprunyuck is seen looking through binoculars for any approaching vehicles. He can also be seen posing with a hammer, which he conceals inside a yellow plastic bag.

Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs (Hammer Brothers) - This is the TRUE STORY | Horror Galore (4)
Suprunyuck posing just moments before Sergei Yatzenko’s brutal murder. He is holding the murder weapon which is covered by a yellow bag.

After twenty minutes, Sergei Yatzenko arrives on a bicycle, and is knocked to the ground before the attack in the woods next to the road begins.

He is seen lying on his back in a wooded area, and is struck repeatedly in the face with a hammer held inside a plastic bag. One attacker stabs Yatzenko in the eye and abdomen with a screwdriver. Yatzenko is then struck with the hammer to ensure he is dead. The attack lasts over four minutes, during which the victim lapses in and out of consciousness. One murderer is seen smiling towards the camera during the video.The murderers walk back to their car, showing that the crime took place close to the side of a road, next to their parked car. They discuss the murder calmly, expressing mild surprise that the victim was still breathing after a screwdriver was plunged into his exposed brain. The suspects then wash their hands and the hammer with a water bottle, and begin to laugh. Only two suspects appear to be present in the video, with one always behind the camera.

At around 2:30 PM on the day of the murder, he called his wife to say he was going to fill his Dnepr motorcycle and visit his grandchild.
He never arrived at his son’s house, and his cell phone was turned off by 6 PM.
His wife Lyudmila called a friend and walked around the village, afraid that her husband might have fallen ill or had a motorcycle accident. They could not locate any sign of him. They also could not file a missing person’s report, since in Ukraine a person cannot be declared missing until at 72 hours after last being seen. The next day, Lyudmila posted photographs of her husband around the village, and enlisted more local help to search the surrounding area. Four days later, a local who saw one of Lyudmila’s posters remembered seeing an abandoned Dnepr bike in a remote wooded area by a garbage dump. He took Yatzenko’s relatives to the scene, where they discovered his mutilated and decomposing body.

Twelve more murders followed, including a pregnant woman who was brutally murdered and her fetus was cut out of her womb. In addition to the earlier sprees, two victims were found each day from July 14
through 16.One of the victims was a pregnant woman, she was bludgeoned and her fetus was cut out of her womb.No sexual assaults on any victims were reported.

Lidia Mikrenischeva, the only surviving victim, was an elderly lady who survived the hammer attack and helped to identify the killers in court, was also interviewed. She recalled being struck on the head from behind and falling to the ground, but her life was saved when the dogs accompanying her barked loudly and scared off the attackers.


The suspects were also found in possession of multiple photographs showing them attending funerals of the victims. They can be seen smiling and ‘flipping off’the coffins and gravestones, which shows just how cruel and inhumane these young men really are.

Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs (Hammer Brothers) - This is the TRUE STORY | Horror Galore (5)

Evidence of animal abuse was also shown in court, with the suspects posing alongside mutilated animal corpses, as told above.

Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs (Hammer Brothers) - This is the TRUE STORY | Horror Galore (6)

On02//11/09,Suprunyuck (back) and Sayenko (far left) were sentenced to life-in-prison. (Suprunyuck was found guilty of 21 murders, Sayenko of 18) – Alexander Hanzha (front, right) was not involved in the actual killings, was found guilty of robbery and sentenced to nine years in prison.

The photographic and video evidence was shown in court on October 29, 2008, as part of a larger presentation of over 300 photographs and two videos. The defense objected to the presentation, claiming that the evidence was obtained illegally, and that the subjects shown in the video and the photographs were digitally altered to resemble the suspects. When Suprunyuck and Sayenko were asked if they recognized the people in the photographs, they replied that they did not. Judge Ivan Senchenko responded by stating, “You are not blind.” Valery Voronyuck, an expert on film and video editing, testified that the video was not faked or altered. The court rejected all defense objections, accepted the prosecution’s argument that the material was genuine, and showed the suspects in the act of murdering their victims.

On February 11, 2009, the court in Dnipropetrovsk found Igor Suprunyuck and Viktor Sayenko guilty of premeditated murder and sentenced both to life imprisonment.


SergeiYatzenko was one of the victims of the Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs. His brutal murder was not only video taped by the killers, but the video was leaked to the public. I warn you, the video is very graphic.

Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs (Hammer Brothers) - This is the TRUE STORY | Horror Galore (2025)


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