2024 Advanced Pathophysiology HESI RN Exam 1 - 4 | Guaranteed A+ Actual Questions and Answers, Complete 100% - Learnexams (2024)

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2024 Advanced Pathophysiology HESI RN Exam 1 – 4 | Guaranteed A+ Actual Questions and Answers, Complete 100%

2024 Advanced Pathophysiology HESI RN Exam 3
Guaranteed A+ Actual Questions and Answers, Complete 100%

  1. Pathophysiology:
    The functional changes associated with or resulting from a disease or injury and
    the study of those changes
  2. What decreases the cellsubstance and results in cell shrinkage:
  3. A decrease in workload, use, pressure, blood supply, nutrition, hormonal
    stimulation represents:
    pathological atrophy
  4. Seen in the muscles of paralyzed limbs:
    Denervation atrophy
  5. Increases the amount of functioning by increasing cell size, and the affected
  6. Hypertrophy is usually seen in:
    cardiac and skeletal tissue
  7. An increase in the number of cells of a tissue or organ:


  1. Deranged cell growth that results in cells that vary in size, shape, and
    appearance of mature cells.:
  2. A reversible conversion from one adult cell type to anther adult cell type:
  3. Denies cells of oxygen and can result from inadequate oxygen in the
    air, respiratory disease, decreased blood flow due to circulatory disease,
    anemia, or the inability of cells to use oxygen.:
  4. Serum sodium levels above 147, and can cause an acute gain in sodium
    or loss of water:
  5. Occurs when the serum sodium concentration decreases to less than
    135meq, and may be caused by sodium loss, inadequate sodium intake, or
    dilution of the body’s sodium level:
  6. What is the most important intracellular electrolyte and contributes to
    many important cellular functions in the body:
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2024 Advanced Pathophysiology HESI RN Exam 2
Guaranteed A+ Actual Questions and Answers, Complete 100%

  1. A certain disease is currently found in 1 of every 10 people in the country
    and 1,000 people contract the disease yearly. The population of the country
    is 4,500,000. Which of the following statements is correct?
    a. The prevalence of the disease is 10% and the incidence is .02%.
    b. The prevalence of the disease is .02% and the incidence is 10%.
    c. Neither is correct.
    d. There is insufficient data:
  2. In relation to disease development, the term “etiology” refers to which of
    the following?
    a.number of people with the disease
    b. cause of the disease
    c. definition of the disease
    d. outcome of the disease:
  3. Which of the following is(are) true about “symptoms”?
    a. objective and measurable
    b. the same as “signs”
    c. both of the above
    d. neither of the above:
  4. In 1992, there were 980 deaths in a Midwestern city with a population of
    1,000,000. At the beginning of that year, 900 cases of AIDS existed in this
    population. During the year, 250 new cases of AIDS were diagnosed, and 75
    people died of the disease in 1992.
    Using the data given above, what was the incidence rate (per 100,000 population)
    at the end of 1992 for AIDS?
    a. 6

b. 25
c. 88
d. 116:

  1. What level of prevention is a blood pressure screening program for high
    school students who are pregnant?
    a. primary
    b. secondary
    c. tertiary:
  2. Mr. Forbes complains of “indigestion” and becomes sweaty and pale.
    His wife takes him to the Emergency Department at Northwestern Memorial
    Hospital. A cardiac catheterization 2 days later shows partial blockage of his right
    coronary artery (RCA).
    Blockage of the right coronary artery can lead to myocardial cell injury
    because it results in which of the following?
    a. bilirubin accumulation in myocardial cells
    b. alteration in the genetic material of myocardial cells
    c. reduced energy production in myocardial cells
    d. activation of the complement system:
  3. When myocardial cells are injured, the function of the Na-K membrane
    pump may be impaired. Which of the following may then result?
    a.intracellular sodium will increase
    b. extracellular potassium will decrease
    c. cell volume will decrease
    d. all of the above:
  4. Mr. Forbes is being prepared for open heart surgery when he suffers a

myocardial infarction in which a large part of his left ventricle has suffered
lethal cell injury.
Mr. Forbes’ CPK-MB and LDH1, enzymes associated with myocardial cells,
are significantly elevated. What is the best explanation for this?
a. It is a sign that necrotic myocardial cells have released their cytoplasmic
contents into the blood.
b. It is a sign of reversible fatty accumulation in the myocardial cells
c. It is a sign that the myocardial cells are undergoing hypertrophy.
d. None of the above.:

  1. If a tissue specimen of myocardial cells were obtained for examination
    from Mr. Forbes, which of the following findings would indicate irreversible
    cell injury?
    a. cellular swelling
    b. decreased ATP production
    c. decreased intracellular calcium
    d. dissolution of nuclear material:
  2. The accumulation of lactic acid that occurs with impaired energy production
    results from which of the following?
    a. increased intracellular glucose
    b. increased anaerobic metabolism
    c. decreased metabolic rate
    d. increased oxidative phosphorylation:
  3. A mountain climber is stranded at 23,000 feet in the Swiss Alps and has
    lost all his equipment and supplies in an avalanche. Subsequently, he suffers cell
    injury due to impaired ATP production. The reason for the decrease in
    ATP is which of the following?
    a. enzyme inhibition
    b. uncoupling
    c. hypoxia
    d. none of the above:


  1. An elderly patient develops an obstruction in his left middle cerebral
    artery. The brain tissue supplied by this artery becomes hypoxic. The best
    explanation for this is which of the following?
    a. the obstruction results in decreased blood flow
    b. the obstruction results in decreased hemoglobin in the blood
    c. while blood flow stays the same, the obstruction reduces oxygen content
    in the blood
    d. none of the above explain the reason for the hypoxia:
  2. Increased mobilization and delivery of free fatty acids to liver cells can result
    in fat accumulation. Which of the following problems results in increased
    mobilization of free fatty acids?
    a. anemia
    b. hepatic toxins
    c. starvation
    d. hypoxia:
  3. Generalized hypoxia results in a switch to anaerobic metabolism in cells.
    Anaerobic metabolism results in which of the following?
    a. decreased lactic acid inside cells
    b. decreased arterial pH
    c. more effective ATP production
    d. increased pH inside cells:
  4. There is a disease of the spleen, which results in an excessive destruction
    of RBCs. This increase in RBC destruction can lead to which of the following?
    a. hypoxia
    b. hypobilirubinemia
    c. an increase in platelets
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2024 Advanced Pathophysiology HESI RN Exam 4
Guaranteed A+ Actual Questions and Answers, Complete 100%

  1. What is a protective and complex phenomenon composed of sensory experiences (time,space, intensity), emotion, cognition, and motivation?:
  2. Portion of the nervous system responsible for sensation and perception of pain
    can be divided into 3 areas:
    A: Afferent pathways B interpretive centersin the brainstem, midbrain &
    diencephalon C: descending pathways from the brainto the dorsal horn of spinal
  3. Nociceptors are pain receptors that detect a wide range ofstimuli and
    respond to:
    Chemical, mechanical, and thermal stimulation
  4. The afferent system is:
    Composed of nociceptors the dorsal horn of the spinal column (second-order
    neurons) and afferent neurons in the A´and C fibers(first-order
    neurons);spinothalamic tract (third-order neurons).
  5. Myelinated A´receptor transmission is:
    Fast and conveys mechanical andthermal localized pain.
  6. Unmyelinated polymodal C fiber transmission is:
    Slower and conveyssharp, diffuse burning and aching sensations
  7. These primary-order neurons terminate on second-order neurons.:
  8. Three classes of second-order neurons modulate pain transmission:
    pro-jection cells, excitatory interneurons and inhibitory interneurons.
  9. The second-order neurons are located:
    in the spinal cord laminae
  10. The second-order neurons function as:
    a pain gate to regulate pain trans-mission.
  11. Second-order neurons cross over the cord and ascend primarily in:
    the lateral the spinothalamic tract to projection centers including the thalamus
    reticularformation, and PAG matter.
  12. Third-order neurons carry information to the:
    sensory cortex and reticularand limbic systems for pain processing and
  13. Efferent pathways from the PAG are responsible for modulation or inhi-bition
    of afferent pain signals.:
  14. The thalamus cortex, and postcentral gyrus perceive, describe, and local-ize:
  15. The reticular formation and limbic system control the:

emotional and affec-tive response to pain.

  1. Pain threshold is the point at which pain is perceived. Pain threshold does not
    vary significantly among people or within the same person over time.:
  2. Pain tolerance is the duration of time or the intensity of pain that an individual
    will ensure before initiating overt pain response.:
  3. Tolerance varies widely among individuals and in the same individual over
    time and in the same individual over time.
  4. Descending inhibitory or facilitatory pathways facilitate pain.:
  5. Segmental inhibition is the peripheral stimulation of nociceptors by touch
    nuclei, and neurotransmitter inhibit or vibration or pressure resulting in closure of
    the spinal cord pain gate.:
  6. The higher brain centers also can:
    influence painful stimuli (heterosegmental control of nociception) as well as
    inhibition from the caudal medulla (diffuse noxious inhibitory controls).
  7. Thus pain can be modulated with:
    Stimulation from the periphery or by descending impulses from the brain
  8. Cognitive expectation can attenuate or intensify pain and this is known as the:
    Placebo and nocebo effects.
  9. Pain neurotransmitters can be classified as inflammatory excitatory, and
    inhibitory modulators of pain.:
  10. Inflammatory neurotransmitters are usually excitatory. Gammaaminobu- tyric
    acid (GABA) and glycine are inhibitors of pain.:
  11. Endogenous opioids are a family of morphine-like neuropeptides that inhibit
    transmission of pain by acting on:
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2024 Advanced Pathophysiology HESI RN Exam
Guaranteed A+ Actual Questions and Answers, Complete 100%

  1. Chapter 1: Introduction to Pathophysiology:
  2. Risk:
    Factor that when present increases the chance of disease
    Not stressors, but conditions or situations that increase the likelihood of
    a stressor
  3. Prevalence:
    A measure of disease that allows us to determine a person’s
    likelihood of having a disease. Therefore, the number of prevalent cases is the
    total number of cases of disease existing in a population. A prevalence rate is the
    total number of cases of a disease existing in a population divided by the total
    Indicates how widespread the disease is
  4. Incidence:
    A measure of disease that allows us to determine a person’s probability
    of being diagnosed with a disease during a given period of time. Therefore,
    incidence is the number of newly diagnosed cases of a disease. An incidence rate
    is the number of new cases of a disease divided by the number of persons at risk
    for the disease.
    Conveys information about the risk of contracting the disease.
  5. Ratio:
    The quantitative relation between two amounts showing the number of
    times one value contains or is contained within the other.
  6. Primary Prevention:

Altering susceptibility or reducing exposure for susceptible
*Both illness and disease are absent
example: vaccinations, healthy lifestyles

  1. Secondary Prevention:
    Early detection, screening, and management of disease
    *Illness absent, disease present
    example:screenings and testings
  2. Tertiary Prevention:
    Rehabilitation, supportive care, reducing disability, and
    restoring effective functioning
    *Both illness and disease present
    example: education
  3. Epidemiology:
    study of the patterns of disease involving populations; examining
    the occurrence, incidence, prevalence, transmission, and distribution of diseases
    in large groups of populations/people
  4. Endemic:
    A disease theat is native to a local region
  5. Epidemic:
    When a disease is disseninated to many individals at the same time
    (spread to many people at the same time)
  6. Pandemic:
    Epidemics that affect large geographic regions, perhaps spreading
    (spread to large geographic areas)
  7. Chapter 2: Answer: Homeostasis and Adaptive Responses to Stressors:
  8. Homeostasis:
    A state of being in which all systems are in balance around a
    articular ideal “set-point”
  9. Exhausation:
    Point where body can no longer return to homeostasis following
    a prolonged exposure to noxious agents
  10. Allostatic Overload:
    “Cost” of body’s organs and tissues for an excessive or
    ineffectively regulated allostatic response; effect of “wear and tear” on the body
  11. Adaptation:
    Adaptation: biopsychosocial process of change in response to
    new or altered circ*mstances, internal or external in origin
    Coping: behavioral adaptive response to a stressor using culturally based coping
    Adaptation and coping: terms used interchangeably
  12. Arousal:
    Includes alterations in responsiveness to homeostatic pressures,
    sensory stimuli and emotional reactivity, and to changes in motor activity
  13. Function of Cortisol:
    Primary glucocorticoid
    Affects protein metabolism
    Promotes appetite and food-seeking behaviors
    Has anti-inflammatory effects
    Chemical mediator in the inflammation response of the body
    Adrenal corticosteroid critical to maintenance of homeostasis
    May synergize or antagonize effects of catecholamines
  14. Chapter 3: Cell Structure and Function:
  15. Endocrine Communication:
    Hormones traveling in the bloodstream
    Long range signaling
  16. Neurocrine Communication:
    Neurons firing information through synapses
    Signals travel a very small distance between neuron and target cell
  17. Paracrine Communcation:
    Signaling through the extraceullar fluid between cells in a tissue
    Localized areas of communication
  18. Autocrine Communcation:

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2024 Advanced Pathophysiology HESI RN Exam 1 - 4 | Guaranteed A+ Actual Questions and Answers, Complete 100% - Learnexams (2024)


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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.